Happy Birthday, Haru-chan! 🐶🤩

1 year ago

Haru’s birthday was earlier in the week. She’s one-year-old now. Come late March, we’ll have spent one year together. I had a critter-thief 🐿️ raid my low tunnel and devour one and a half broccoli 🥦 plants. It/they left the cabbages 🥬 alone for now. I also lost some cherry trees on the side of my house. They had to be cut down as they were a threat to my house in high winds. And I also harvested some Natsu Mikan, summer mikan oranges!🐶🤩👍🏾

"A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust." Gertrude Jekyll

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