Officer Runs Over Fleeing Suspect With Police Vehicle. Phoenix Police Department January 12, 2024.

1 year ago

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The Phoenix Police Department has released body camera related to an officer-involved shooting which occurred on January 12, 2024.

This incident started when officers responded to an emergency call of domestic violence at an apartment near 14th Street and McDowell Road.

Upon arrival, officers discovered that the suspect had already left the area, Officers then began to search the neighborhood. While patrolling near 15th Street and McDowell Road, officers saw a man. Commands were given for him to stop and raise his hands, but he failed to comply and began walking away. In an attempt to deter his actions, officers employed less-lethal tools.

As the man evaded officers, they used pepper balls and 40mm less-lethal launchers in various attempts to gain compliance. Throughout the pursuit, the man was observed holding and pointing a gun at officers multiple times.

A Phoenix Police lieutenant, armed with a duty shotgun, fired one shot, striking the man. Moments before the shooting, another officer attempted to stop the man using less-lethal force with a 40mm launcher. However, this officer ultimately collided with the man using his patrol car seconds after the lieutenant discharged his shotgun.

The suspect later identifie as as 38-year-old David Epaloose was transported to the hospital, treated for serious physical injuries, and later booked into jail on multiple felony charges. The firearm displayed by the man was determined to be a BB air pistol with a CO2 cartridge, and a drop-out clip was recovered from the scene.

During the investigation, detectives discovered that the individual involved in the critical incident was not the same person reported in the original 911 emergency call. The actual suspect from the call was later arrested for domestic violence-related offenses.

The lieutenant involved in the critical incident has nearly 30 years of service with the department, while the officer who used his vehicle to stop the man has approximately five and a half years of service.

A Pepper ball launcher is describe by Phoenix Police as a less lethal tool which discharges a projectile designed to break on impact and release an organic pava powdered irritant this tool is also used to reduce or eliminate violent encounters by attempting to change the subject's behavior while allowing officers to use distance and cover officers require specialized training and certification to to use this tool.

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