Rising Above Depression in 2024

7 months ago

"There is a reason for all of us to be on this planet at this moment and time!" ~ Ari Kopel~ The Beacon Podcast 2024
You are here by no accident! Have you ever suffered from depression or you just didn't know what was going on with your life? Maybe you were even suicidal or just stuck in a rut. Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. It is also about 50% more common among women than among men. Today we discuss how to get help and what to do to get a new start on your life. We have all been there and we are sharing what ourselves and others recommend to rise above. Join us!

The 988 Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Dial 988

24-Hour Crisis Hotline https://samaritansnyc.org/ (212) 673-3000

Depression screening website. Risk factors and resources for help.

Web MD Causes of Depression https://www.webmd.com/depression/medicines-cause-depression

Parasites and mental illness, including depression and suicide:   https://rb.gy/08ma60

Can Parasitic Infections Cause Depression?   https://drjabanmoore.com/blog/what-is-depression
Recent Study Links T. Gondii Parasite to Suicidal Attempts 

Supplements to help with depression: 

Jonathan Goldman Meditation Music: https://youtu.be/eEAjvx9SNR0?si=4Va3v__c5F_iVphW

Meditation Music:  Holy Harmony  https://youtu.be/aJRpoUk-mpU?si=ftm9Ycvw29jXMVKv

Meetups: https://www.meetup.com/




Ari Kopel Light Warrior Update and Pep talk Series https://youtu.be/K9A8hpknqfc?si=yABBjUswiUej0Afc

Ari Kopel Books on Amazon:
Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality https://rb.gy/w9wj1

Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection, and Empowerment https://rb.gy/f3xtf

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