The Government Have Created a Monster

1 year ago

The Government thought they were doing a good thing when they tried to implement the constitutionally-enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament, which would have given people of one ancestry more political advantage than people who were not of that ancestry. I emphasise the word “tried” in that Aussies overwhelmingly voted against it. Common sense prevailed. Although the anti-racist ABC felt the need to use terms such as “black politics”, which is obviously very divisive. Unsurprisingly, companies like Woolworths jumped on the bandwagon to support the Voice as well. My question, why the hell is a supermarket championing constitutional change? It’s utterly absurd.

The Government probably also thought they were doing a good thing when they scrapped a rule that forced local councils to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day. As of two days ago, 81 councils across the country have since scrapped Australia Day citizenship ceremonies.

And now, on Australia Day 2024 held yesterday, Aboriginal and pro-Palestinian groups joined forces for massive Invasion Day protests in the big cities. It used to be about changing the date of Australia Day, but that’s not enough anymore. I think we all know that changing the date isn’t going to do diddly-squat. It’s not going to help Aboriginal people, and it’s certainly not going to appease these activists. Now the protests are all about genocide. Even though we areone of the most egalitarian societies in all of history, genocide is the new proclamation. Land back! Changing the date is nothing now. They want all the land back. And of course, “Always was, Always will be, Aboriginal land!”

Here’s a group of protesters in Melbourne yesterday shouting just that. “Always was, Always will be, Aboriginal land! Always was, Always will be, Aboriginal land!” But that’s not even enough anymore. Forget about changing the date, they want to change the system. The same protesters don’t want to just abolish the date, they want to abolish the state! “All right, we’re going to try a new one today. I’m going to say ‘Abolish the Date’, and you’re going to say, “Abolish the State’, OK? Abolish the Date! Abolish the State! Abolish the Date! Abolish the State!”

Oh yes, dear listener, they don’t want to just abolish Australia Day, they want to abolish Australia! I suppose there’s been rumblings of this been going on for a while now, but now they have the fearlessness to actually say it. Let’s not mince our words. The Government and these companies have created a monster. They have emboldened the activists by pushing for the divisive Voice and allowing councils and corporations to attack Australia Day. And now the monster has escaped and is coming back with a vengeance. Abolish the Date? No. Abolish the State! The Government created this monster, and now it’s coming back to bite them.

The PM published a nice Australia Day video message online yesterday saying, “Working together, we can make this and even better, stronger, and fairer country. Happy Australia Day.” How nice. But how do you think the activists reacted? They didn’t like those last three words. For example, author and former political journalist Lauren Dubois said, “When you’re wishing ‘Happy Australia Day’ on a day you know causes great pain and anguish to so many people, you are being deliberately cruel. You’re smiling and celebrating their grief? You stand for nothing. You’ve changed nothing. You’re doing nothing. What a disappointment!”

I presume Albo thought he was their saviour, but now they’ve turned on him. As I said before, there’s no pleasing these activists. Let’s follow this to its logical conclusion. The activists are not going to stop until one of three things happen. Either we give all the land back and relinquish control of Australia leaving Indigenous people in charge. Or we “pay the rent” and provide reparations. Hey, those roads are built on Aboriginal land. Pay a tax for how many kilometres you drive. Hey, that public school is on Aboriginal land. Pay the rent, or we’ll demolish the school. That hospital, that’s Aboriginal land too. For every patient that goes through the hospital, give a certain percentage. Hey Woolworths, those supermarkets of yours are built on Aboriginal land. 10% of your profits should be enough. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Indigenous people will never have to work again. The only thing they’ll have to do is go around and collect the rent.

Or, the third option, which I think is the most realistic. If the state don’t want to lose control to these activists, well the state will have to stand up and say, “No! Enough is enough! There will be no more handouts. There will be no more blocking our streets. Australia is owned by all Australians. Like it or lump it!”

Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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