1 year ago

#ProphecyWithSolution #EbukaObiProphecyWithSolution #ZionWeMove #ZionPrayerMovementOutreach #WeLoveEvangelistEbukaObi #Seraphic #Zionite

Our scriptural passages from New King James Version as follows: Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 4:29-31
The Holy Spirit is a sanctifier and purifier. He is a motivator. He is a counsellor. He is the third person in the blessed trinity. He leads, protects, inspires, motivates and grants the children of God the boldness required to serve God. No one can make good decision or do anything good in life without being assisted or helped by the power of the Holy Spirit. No wonder the scripture says in 1 Corinthians 12:3 that nobody can say that Jesus is Lord without the help of the Holy Spirit. If you must thrive well in the things of God, you need the Holy Spirit to be your close associate. The Apostles and disciples of Jesus were terribly afraid to preach the word of God, until they received the Holy Sprit. In Acts 1:8, when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received power and boldness that enabled them to preach the word of God. In the scripture Acts 4:29-31, the Apostles prayed for the spirit of boldness and that God should grant them the power that wherever they preach the word of God, that great signs, wonders and miracles will follow them. God granted their prayer. The scripture recorded that during their prayer that the power of God came down mightily, the place where they were meeting was shaken and from that day, they started proclaiming the word of God with utmost boldness.
You need the Holy Spirit to excel, you need the Holy Spirit to manifest. You need the direction of the Holy Spirit to prosper and to effectuate your divine mandate and purposes in life. Because you are connected to this program, God will locate you and relocate you to where your ordinary credentials cannot locate you. Your steps shall be ordered by the Lord. You shall prosper. God will elevate you beyond your imagination in the name of Jesus.

We take on our prayer points.
Prayer point number one. Lord, by your power, grant me your Holy Spirit to lead, teach, direct and help me to love and serve you well, in the name of Jesus, Lord, by your power, grant me your Holy Spirit to lead, teach, direct and help me to love and serve you well, in the name of Jesus, Lord, by your power, grant me your Holy Spirit to lead, teach, direct and help me to love and serve you well, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Prayer point number two. Oh Lord, by your mercy and power, grant me Divine direction that will enable me to achieve your purposes in my life, Oh Lord, by your mercy and power, grant me Divine direction that will enable me to achieve your purposes in my life, Oh Lord, by your mercy and power, grant me Divine direction that will enable me to achieve your purposes in my life, Amen!
Prayer point number three. Oh Lord, by your power, let every power opposing my breakthrough be destroyed by fire, Oh Lord, by your power, let every power opposing my breakthrough be destroyed by fire, Oh Lord, by your power, let every power opposing my breakthrough be destroyed by fire, Amen!
Prayer point number four. Pray for Our Spiritual Director, Evangelist Ebuka Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach. Brethren, it is important according to Ephesians 6:19, and for God’s servant, that utterance may be given to him, that he may open his mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which he is an ambassador in chains; that in it he may speak boldly, as he ought to speak. For that reason, in Philippians 1:19 for he know that through our prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to him will turn out for his deliverance. We intercedes as it is written in Colossians 4:3 And pray for Zionites, also, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which we are in battles. We invoke the throne verdict from Isaiah 44:25, Jehovah who frustrated the tokens of the liars, against those who satanically use Zion Prayer Movement Outreach as their full time business, and God makes diviners mad; He turned wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolish. Again, in Job 5:12 He disappointed the devices of the native doctors and crafty that speaks against Brother Ebuka Obi, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise; Let God arise and scatter every conspiracy from the heavenliest and from the water that rages against God’s servant and his ministry, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Almighty God! According to your Word in Deuteronomy 33:26-27, “There is no one like the God of brother Ebuka Obi, Who rides the heavens to help His servant, and in His excellency on the clouds. The eternal God is prophet Ebuka’s refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before Zion Prayer Movement Outreach, and will say, ‘Destroy!’ Again Father, your word says in Psalms 105:15, “Saying, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” We decree and declare! O you that troubled the ministry of Evangelist Ebuka Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach Ministries, the God of Fire and thunder shall trouble you today, in the name of Jesus. Our heavenly Father, Your word said in, Zechariah 2:5, For Me, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around Zion Prayer Movement’s premises, and I will be the glory in her midst. Now we pray, that every enemy of the Zion Prayer Movement Outreach Ministries, scatter, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant inside the Zion Prayer Movement Outreach Ministries, in Jesus’ name. AMEN. According to 2 Corinthians 1:20, For all the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by Zion Prayer Movement Outreach. Also our Father, Your word said in Matthew 15:13, said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. We pray now, let the fire of Holy Ghost and revival fall upon Zion Prayer Movement Outreach Ministries, in the name of Jesus, Amen and Amen!

We take on our Pray Effective Prayer Book seven!
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; Most holy trinity in one God, I praise you. Precious Holy Spirit, I honour you. You are the reason I live today. You are the controller and pilot of my life. You are my director, supervisor, manager and helper. Cut out from you I can do nothing, as your word says in John 15:5. If not you Holy Spirit my life would have been useless.
I thank you for making me to know you. Holy Spirit, I need more of you in my life. Amen. Precious Lord your word in Acts 1:8 says, "we shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us". Come and melt, mould and use me. Let your presence be seen in me. Amen. In Psalm 104:30, "you sent forth your Spirit O Lord and it renews the face of the earth". Father! Release your Holy Spirit upon me to do your will and walk in the right path by your directions. Come and be my senior partner as I journey in this life on earth. Remove whatever will distract me from recognising you every day of my life. As I rise up every day, take absolute control. Amen.
I adore you and worship you sweet Holy Spirit. Let there be a release of your anointing by your mercy as I pray.
Come Holy Spirit and enkindle in me the fire of your love and power. Annen„
Come Holy Spirit, my salvation and save me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my purifier and purify me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my sanctifier and sanctify me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my helper and help me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my defender and defend me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my protector and protect me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my healer and heal me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my comforter and comfort me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my strength and strengthen me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my provider and provide for me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my baptiser and baptise me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my promoter and promote me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my teacher and teach me, Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, my power and empower me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my glorifier and glorify me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my director and direct me. Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my counsellor and counsel, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my motivator and inspire me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my leader and lead me. Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my renewer and renew me, Amen!
Come Holy Spirit, my saviour and save me in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

I see you again tomorrow on this platform! Thanks for watching! Please don’t forget to share to your friends and family, like and subscribe as well, because it is written: Psalm 68:11, The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Hallelujah! May you be blessed as you visited our channel today! Amen, Praise God! Hallelujah!

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