1/26/24 Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision! ❤️

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1/25/24 sister, Bonnie‘s dream about war with Russia.

Dear Pastor Richard from sister Bonnie.

I had a dream last night. There were 3 boats parked side by side with each other. There was a woman that was living on the boat to save money. The next boat lived another person. The third boat had a man sitting on a really high chair with his back towards us. He was playing ball and the ball felled into the dirty water. He then picked it up.

I asked what this means. I heard from my physical father in the dream “War against Russia.”

1/26/24 after our prayer Bonnie remembered more

During our prayer today, I remembered that the man on the middle boat was courting the woman on the first boat. Then, I asked, “why are you just now trying to talk to her, you lived next to her for all this time.“

Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!
January 26, 2024 Veronika West
See also Part 1: “Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard“

Part 2

“Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!
For a Counterfeit Substitute will Rise to Please and Appease the Fearful in the Days of Famine and War!”
So Friends, the following Word is the Part 2 of the Word I released three days ago: ”Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion!”
Two days ago during a time of Prayer, The LORD quickened to me Exodus 32 ”The Golden Calf”. (Please read below for context).

Now, as the Spirit of Revelation began to speak, I saw a Scroll being unraveled, that continued to reveal more about the Prophetic Timeline that Nations have now entered into concerning the Rise and Fall of Economic and Financial Systems and Structures in The Nations.
Note: I have prophesied again and again that Nations have now Entered into a Second Exodus. (I prophesied this concerning the Nation of Israel as well)
I have also prophesied about a ‘Second Circumcision’!
Today I was in a Meeting with some Leaders, when the Spirit of Revelation began to unravel more of the Scroll as we spoke.
I pray that what I share, you are able to keep track with what God is unraveling to us — for the Future — and how we are to be Rightly Aligned.
The way in which this Word is written is very different to how I would usually present a Word — but I want to honour the way in which the Scroll was unsealed and revealed.
This is what was written upon the scroll…
“Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in the Valley of Decision!
Watch! For a Counterfeit Substitute will rise to please and appease the fearful in the Days of Famine and War — but I say, the Door of Revelation Four stands open before Nations in The Valley of Decision!
I say, “Come up here!” Come up higher and enter in — and eat of the Scrolls — and you shall see of My Hidden Secrets and Mysteries!”
Then I heard The Spirit say again, ”Watch! For Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will Rise in the Valley of Decision — to please and appease the people!
Yes! Watch — for Altars of Aaron will rise offering a substitute to a people who are crying out for a Deliverer (a Moses) and a way of escape!
Watch and Pray! For the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will rise that will produce a Counterfeit in exchange for the Real!”
Then God showed me Nations in The Valley of Decision, and I saw Spiritual Aarons (weak and compromised Leaders in The Church, who have a Call to the Mountain of Business — and even some to the Mountain of Government) who will rise, offering a way of escape to many who have come into agreement with the spirit of fear of the greater shaking that is coming to The Nations of the earth.
I saw so clearly that the fearful, will seek after a substitute for Moses — who has ascended the mountain.
This is where the Rise of the Altars of Arron will begin to take place — and so many spiritual Arrons will rise and call for many to bring their Gold and Silver (many will look to their own resources — and even seek for answers and solutions through Counterfeit Systems and Financial Structures) in order to access God’s Provision and Preservation!
Important Prophetic Note
When the people asked Aaron to fashion for them a ‘god,’ in their hearts they were not looking to serve another god — but rather they were looking for a ‘substitute’ — for an alternative way to have access to God, in the absence of Moses.
This was when Aaron told them to bring their gold and silver etc — and a Golden Calf comes forth.
The people became impatient and frustrated and then came into agreement with the spirit of fear, while waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain.
They looked for a way to access God without Moses, and so Aaron created a substitute.
The Rise of The Golden Calf
Watch! For a Counterfeit System will rise that will promise a way of escape — and even access to God and His Provision and Preservation when the shaking comes!
But watch — for it will bring a curse of destruction and not the blessing of real Kingdom Wealth through inheritance!
We must become aware of the rise of “The Golden Calf of Aaron” in the midst of the greater shakings that are coming, because a substitute will promise a way of escape — but it will be a trap — and many will miss out on “the real” that’s being prepared and mantled, and on its way down the mountain, and so, much will be lost!
Moses’ Ascent Upon the Mountain
Moses’ ascent upon the mountains exposes their hearts and reveals their weaknesses.
I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch! For I AM removing My Moses, My Josephs, My Davids from in the midst of them, for I AM taking My Deliverers up the Mountain for an encounter with My Glory — and My Deliverers will come down the Mountain, Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah, carrying an End-time Template written on the tablets of their hearts for future generations!”
I see on The Scroll, that God is: “Taking many Out — to bring them Back in!”
Moses ascends (We have entered into a Time and Season of Ascension) the Governmental Mountain of The LORD. It is The Meeting Place, to Receive the Template of the Future — for future generations.
Moses in effect, enters into the Door of Revelation Four, where He encounters The Glory and is Mantled for Mass Destruction of the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron that are rising, and the Idols that sit upon them.
The Ecclesia must now ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars and for the destruction of the demonic altars of Baal.
There is a Call to enter into the Door of Revelation Four to Receive the Scrolls of the Future — to have The Finger of God write the Future Template upon the tablets of our hearts, for future generations!
Moses’ Ascension and Return
I hear these Words, ”The Ascending Ones, will carry with them the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God written upon their hearts, and they will possess the Key of the House of David, that will open doors no man can shut — and shut doors, no man can open!”
Watch! For The Remnant must ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for the days ahead.
It’s time to raise up Righteous Altars that Will Counter the Demonic Power of the Golden Calf Altars of Arron and the Idols that Sit upon it!”
Idols that sit upon Aaron’s Altar:
* The three-fold demonic cord — Jezebel, Delilah and Athelia.
* The lullaby of Delilah — that has lulled many into a deep sleep.
* The ruling principality of The Philistines.
* The ruling principality of Herod.
These Idols are the Ruling Powers and Principalities that sit upon the Altar of Baal, and rule over Regions, Territories and Nations.
In a recent encounter, I was standing on a great Ship. I knew the Ship spoke of The Nations, and the Ship was being violently tossed to and fro upon the high seas.
I knew again by revelation, that a greater shaking, turmoil and trouble was before The Nations, and as I stood upon the deck of the Ship, a thick and heavy Fog began to rise from the depths of the sea.
The first thing I noticed about the Fog, was a foul smell — a putrid odour — that immediately began to fill my nostrils.
The Fog also brought with it a strange heaviness, and the smell that filled my nostrils translated into a bitter taste in my mouth.
The Fog was heavy and thick — so thick that it soon became impossible to see anything before me!
I knew by revelation, that the rising Fog was powerfully demonic and designed to bring blindness, confusion, depression, disorientation, fear, intimidation and heavy demonic oppression over The Nations!
When suddenly I heard The Spirit say, ”Come up here! Come up higher! Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”
Now, as soon as I began to rise up higher above the thick Fog, I heard The Spirit say again, ”Come up here! Come up higher! Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”
As I heard those Words, I saw four Cherubim (Angels) come up and go forth upon The Nations, and I saw their faces — the face of the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the face of a Man.
Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Now Prophesy a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces of God into the Nations of the Earth!
Prophesy to the Four Winds!
Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four Faces over the Nations of the Earth!
Watch — as the Winds of the Eagle brings forth Revelation, and the Mysteries of My Grace.
Watch — as the Winds of the Lion brings forth the Roar of Judah to awaken the deep sleepers.
Watch — as the Mighty Winds of the Ox brings forth Strength and Power to Prevail and to Rebuild the Righteous Altars in The Valley of Decision!
And Watch — as the Winds of the Man, brings forth Light in the midst of deep darkness, to expose and uncover what’s been hidden!”
Then I heard The Spirit say, “Now, prophesy a Manifestation of the Release of the Kingship Anointing and Authority on the Earth.
Through the Face of The Lion — prophesy the Rise of Kings on the Earth! Prophesy the Reformation of the Five-fold Ministries!
I say, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God through the Face of The Eagle!
Prophesy the rise of The Fathers — that the hearts of Prodigal Nations will be turned back in true Repentance!
Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God, that brings Revelation and Wisdom concerning True Identity!
Again I say — Prophesy a Manifestation of Strength, Power and Humility of the Mantle of the Ox.
Prophesy the Rise of a Royal Priesthood for the Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars that will counter the power of the altars of Baal, and the Idols that sit upon them.
Prophesy a continual presenting of your bodies as living sacrifices upon the Righteous Altars that are now rising.
Son of man, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Humanity of Christ in the midst of The Nations.
Prophesy! Arise! Shine! For My Glory has risen upon you!
Prophesy a Manifestation of Light in the darkness — Divine Revelation and Wisdom, supernatural signs wonders and miracles on the Earth.
Beloved, listen. For it’s not enough to ascend the Mountain — but My Prophets must prophesy to the Four Winds.
Prophesy to the Breath!
My Prophets must Decree at The Gates and Declare a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces within the Four Winds, to lift and shift the demonic Fog that has blinded The Nations and lulled many into a Deep Sleep!” says the Spirit of God.
Prophetic Notes
* Prophesy to the Four Winds of the Four Faces: Wheel within a wheel.
* Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces in the Nations of the earth.
* Face of The Lion — Lion — The King — Mantle of Kingship — The Lion speaks to Royalty…Genesis 49, Jacob/ Israel describes his 4th son, Judah, as a “lion’s cub,” and the tribal symbol of Judah is a lion.…; The Road of Royalty carries the sound of the roar/ Sound of Distinction that breaks the power and Influence of Delilah’s Lullaby and the demonic distortion that has brought blindness through deception, over The Nations.
* Face of The Eagle — Eagle — Mantle of Fatherhood — The Eagle (Son of God) Revelation; soaring in the Spirit, God’s protecting care: Access to the deeper things of God, hidden mysteries of His Glory and Grace; divine Gifts, prophetic gifts, Eagles Wings that bring forth swiftness of Divine operations in the Earth
“As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them; He carried them on His pinions,” Deuteronomy 32:11
* Face of the Ox — Mantle of Priesthood ; The Ox (Humility)…The Ox is a creature of great Power, yet humbly submits to the authority that tames and directs it. The Suffering Servant: Sacrifice, sin bearer, burden bearer; firmness, endurance, strength. Harvest — Ox —- Priesthood — Righteous Altars are built and established with the Priesthood Mantle.
* Face of the MAN — The Prophet ; The Man (Humanity) The Human Face of God in Jesus: God with us; Intelligence, wisdom, compassion, empathy. Divine intercession….
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ,” 2 Corinthians 4:6
More Prophetic Notes:
Elijah built an Altar to shift the Baal culture of the prophets of Baal influence that was over the Land, Air and Waters.
The Ecclesia must ascend the Mountain, to be mantled with The Spirit and Power of Elijah and begin to legislate on the earth…
Part 1:
Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard
January 23, 2024 Veronika West

Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion
So, recently Apostle Chuck Pierce came to visit, and towards the end of the meeting, a young woman from Switzerland 🇨🇭 was given liberty to share something with those who were gathered in the meeting.
In her hand she held three (3) Envelopes which contained shredded Swiss Bank Notes, and she declared that The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭 would no longer rely upon the god of Mamanon (my interpretation of her words) — but that the Nation would turn to God.
It was a short and rather simple Prophetic Declaration — but you could feel a tangible sense of Spirit of The Fear of The LORD on everything that was being released.
Now, after the meeting and my return home, I felt to go into my Prayer Hut and Pray, as I felt that there was something of “Unfinished Business” in the realm of The Spirit.
So, as I went into an extended time of Prayer, The Spirit began to speak these Words to me, “Watch! For I AM raising up a new Gold Standard in The Nations at this time!”
Then I hear the Words, ”Babylon versus Zion!
Watch! For a Divine Dismantling of Economic Structures that are rooted in Babylonian Financial Systems will take place in the days ahead.
For I will deal a death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and My Governing Hand will move to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.
I tell you, it’s time for The Tower of Babel to begin to fall, in the year of The Open Door.
Yes! For I AM raising up a New Gold Standard in The Nations, that will bring forth new currencies and new economic structures, that will bring to birth a great transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the righteous.
I say, watch The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭, for a global economic earthquake is coming that will cause a mighty ripple effect across The Nations, which will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations.
Again I say, I will deal a death blow to the defiled altars of Baal and The Tower of Babel will surely fall!
I say, it’s time to take back The Gates! Take back The Gates — for I shall build and establish a New Financial Zion in its place!” says The Spirit of God
Then The LORD quickened to me the following;
“And The LORD came down to see the city and The Tower, which the children of Adam were building…….” Genesis 11:5
I knew by The Spirit that the Voice that was declaring these things to me, was the Voice of the Righteous Judge of Heaven.
This was the Sound of Justice and Judgment rising over the Nations from The Court Room of Heaven!
Friends, get ready, for the days ahead will be as I have prophesied many times in past months, ”Days known as the Best and Worst of Times!”
Watch! For the Fat Ones will Come forth in a time of Great Famine.” (For more on this see here)
I submit prophetically, we will see the Rise of a New Gold Standard in The Nations.
We must take note of the Words; “Babylon vs Zion”! A Divine Confrontation will take place as two Altars Rise.
“Listen! For The Sound of the Clashing of the Swords of Titans (Babylon vs Zion) will reverberate across the Nations.
A sound will rise that will signal a divine dismantling of Economic structures and institutions that are deeply rooted in Babylonian Financial systems.
.I say, Brace! Brace! For The LORD is going to deal a sudden death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah in the coming days — and His Governmental Hand will move in swiftly to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.
We will see, ”The Tower of Babel” — which we know symbolises, human pride, arrogance, stiff-necked and Rebellious Leaders — and even Nations — that will start to crack and crumble in the Year of the Open Door.
Pay Attention! For the Voice of The Seven Spirits is speaking a Word of ‘Governmental Establishment’ of a New Gold Standard in the Earth realm, that will birth new types of Currencies — and even reshape the Financial and Economic landscape of many Nations!
I believe prophetically, that this Promised Transformation within Nations in the coming decade, will bring about a Great Transfer of Wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.
The Nation of Switzerland is being highlighted in this hour. Switzerland will become as a focal point for a Global Economic Earthquake that will send powerful ripples across Nations.
When this Economic Earthquake takes place, it will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations and a Divine Dismantling is beginning to take place!
In the days ahead, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will continue to emphasise the coming destruction of the defiled altars of Baal, the inevitable fall of the Tower of Babel — and the Rebuilding of Righteous Altars In their place!
”Watch! For a New Financial Zion will be built and established in the days to come.”
Wake Up! For there is a Clarion Call being made in this Season of Divine Restore, to take back The Gates and Reclaim what rightfully belongs to The LORD!
The above verse Genesis 11:5 — I Prophesy, Nations have entered into the 11th hour!
This Verse is of poignant prophetic significance and importance,
“And The LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building…..” Genesis 11:5-9 see full verses below.
This powerful verse also serves as a stark reminder in this hour, that God Examines the hearts and motives behind what is being constructed.

The Father never judges based on the size of our Churches, or our gatherings, but He weighs each individual and Nation in the balance.
The Spirit of The LORD is urging His people in this hour, to remember that He will share His Glory with no man!
The Tower of Babel may have appeared impressive — but when God came down — He saw the true condition of their hearts.
Therefore, it is essential that both individuals and Nations, are not found wanting in this critical hour!
The Eyes of The LORD is Watching, Examining, and Evaluating Everything that is being built in this hour…
So, let Purity and Righteousness guide our actions, our motives, and all our endeavors in order to Rightly Align with God’s divine purposes in the coming days!
“But The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And The LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So The LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there The LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there The LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” Genesis 11:5-

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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