The shameless Bill Gates claims there will be more vaccines in the future!

10 months ago

1/21/2024 The shameless Bill Gates claims there will be more vaccines in the future! A viral video shows Bill Gates being interviewed at the Davos Forum, claiming there will be more types of vaccines in the future that have longer duration and broader coverage. He also said future vaccines will only require a small patch rather than injections.
#BillGates #COVIDvaccine #COVIDvaccinedisaster
1/21/2024 毫无底线的比尔·盖茨称未来会有更多疫苗!网传视频显示,比尔·盖茨在达沃斯论坛接受采访时称未来会有更多种类、持续时间更长、覆盖面更广的疫苗。他还说,未来接种疫苗不用打针,只需要一个小贴片即可。
#比尔盖茨 #新冠疫苗 #疫苗灾难

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