Quick UPdate [deadline for full disclosure is end year 2024, DO NOT WAIT wake up]

1 year ago

[warning] been already from 2015 to forward tell DO NOT USE AIRPLANE MODES NOR BLUETOOTH NOR WIFI ON PHONES NOR ON LAPTOPS, all thats extreme negative effect for to your physical mental full being, also airplane open your devices to outside means airplane mode is wireless only screen is blank how why you know your devices are open to outside, thats all trap how AI use your devices when you not turn off your devices, NOT EXPECT OFFICIALS WARN YOU BEFORE YOU DIE


[note] most correct information on internet, extreme rare under 1% real without lower dimension beings aka alien anunnaki DNA manipulation hybrid cloning space programs AI intels what negative groups only mimic copy attacks try gove bad name

"We originally expected to have greater interest and support of our BBSradio station through the subscription process to assist with paying for our calls. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Therefore, we had to suspend our BBSradio calls as of now until we RV and receive our Blessings. For those who have subscribed, your subscriptions will be stopped automatically and we thank you for your support."


[topics] beyond lightworker patritionism


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