The Best Foods For Women At The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

7 years ago

Orange, mandarin, grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, which helps to develop the bones and gristles as well as blood vessels for the fetus and increase the resistance for pregnant women.

3 first months are the stages pregnant women will have strong physiological changes to adapt to the formation of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should notice to have more “super-food” as mentioned below to ensure the health for both mom and baby.

1. Spinach
2. Lentils
3. Orange, mandarin, grapefruit
4. Seeds
5. Cheese
6. Asparagus
7. Eggs
8. Broccoli
9. Red beans
10 .Yoghurt
11. Okra
12. Salmon

Read full articles at :,-lentils,-orange,-mandarin,-grapefruit-,-seeds.aspx

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