Addressing ICU Nurses in Melbourne!

1 year ago

Addressing ICU Nurses in Melbourne!

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In today’s blog post, it is directed at intensive care nurses, specifically in the Melbourne Metropolitan area, but also country Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

Addressing ICU Nurses in Melbourne

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from with another quick video blog.

Now today’s question is about when is it time to leave ICU nursing and go into the community? Now, this video blog today is different to what we normally do. Normally, I answer questions for families in intensive care, but this video today is directed at intensive care nurses, specifically in the Melbourne Metropolitan area, but also country Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

So when is it time to leave intensive care nursing and go into the community? Well, the time is now because as you would’ve all seen Intensive Care at Home is expanding. It’s a new form of intensive care nursing. It’s a very exciting branch of intensive care nursing far away from the hustle and bustle of intensive care. And if you’re ready for a change, you should absolutely look at Intensive Care at Home as a new career opportunity.

As we all know in intensive care nursing in the last two years have been horrible in ICUs and work conditions for intensive care nurses have deteriorated. Nurse to patient ratios have deteriorated despite the unions rhetoric, at the end of the day, the unions did nothing to stop that deterioration. And it’s just shocking to see.

Now on the contrary, look at Intensive Care at Home, we guarantee a one-to-one nurse to patient ratio because we bring the intensive care into the home. You can’t double up patients in Intensive Care at Home. You can’t just send ward nurse to someone at home. We guarantee the one-on-one nurse to patient ratio with Intensive Care at Home because that’s what our clients need and want. And there’s also most of the time, a support worker there to support you. So now is the time to look at community nursing with Intensive Care at Home.

If you are an intensive care nurse with a minimum of two years ICU experience and ideally a post-graduate critical care qualification, we have exciting opportunities. We’re also looking for a nurse manager. We’re looking for a clinical liaison nurse, and now it’s really the time to look for a career change in 2022. Leave intensive care and, look at working conditions with Intensive Care at Home that are more stable, more sustainable and not have working conditions deteriorate such as it happened in ICU in the last two years.

So go and check out our career section at or simply send me an email to Or you can also call me on 0410942230.

This is Patrik Hutzel from and I’ll talk to you in a few days. Take care...

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