Do you have a heart quake ?: Finding Strength in Darkness- The Cure is conversation

1 year ago

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When the ground beneath my feet shook with the force of an emotional earthquake, I knew Pluto's transition into Aquarius was more than just an astrological event—it was a spiritual awakening. Our latest episode takes you through this cosmic journey, as I recount the visceral 'heartquake' that rocked me to my core, symbolizing the deep transformations we're all undergoing. We examine the duality of Aquarius, an air sign with a water bearer's essence, and how it stirs the currents of our spiritual and physical existence. Lean in as we unravel the enigma of Pluto's destruction and rebirth, the hidden truths it reveals, and the raw sensitivity of our hearts as reflected in a touching story with my dog.

Feel the pulse of Pluto's power as it courses through the veins of our personal growth narratives. This episode doesn't just ponder the emotional upheavals that accompany life's transitions; it delves into the cathartic role of sorrow in cleansing our soul, and the profound impact of Pluto on society and legacy. We strip back the layers to reveal the necessity of authenticity and self-care in these transformative times. As we pave the way for future discussions on astrology's role in mental health and healing strategies, remember—this cosmic passage is about more than intellectual understanding. It's an invitation to align with the profound energies at play, allowing them to guide us towards our truest selves and a collective awakening.

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