Dr. Fahmi Farah youth dying of stroke, Lynn P., Dr. Jerry Silver NervGen Spinal Cord Regrowth

1 year ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss how 1 in 6 deaths in the United States are due to stroke. However, there is an alarming uptick in younger people suffering. Dr. Fahmi Farah returns to explain recent deaths of young athletes and how we can better protect ourselves in the future. Then, Lynn injured her back while moving and conservative treatments didn't provide relief. After the exclusive Bonati Spine Procedures, she is back to her activities, pain free. Finally, Spinal Cord Regeneration is beginning human trials. Dr. Jerry Silver returns with an 8 year update on how NervGen Pharma is bringing a dream into reality with the ability to heal spinal cord injuries.
(original airdate 1-27-24)

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please visit: askbonati.com or call (855) 267-0482

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