The Big Lesson of Psalm 22

1 year ago

One thousand years before the scourging and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, God gave King David a vivid vision of that remarkable sacrifice. David recorded this powerful depiction of our Savior in Psalm 22. Understand the big lesson of Psalm 22.


King David understood repentance better than anyone. One thousand years before Jesus Christ, God showed David the sobering magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice for all mankind. David learned the vital truth that repentance must be toward God. When humans sin, the one who suffers most is God.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How to Be an Overcomer to discover the crucial role of real repentance in truly overcoming sin. The subject of repentance is misunderstood by the vast majority of professing Christians today. It involves sorrow not just for what we have done wrong, but for who we are. Repentance is a fundamental change of thought, word, deed, and desire—an entirely new direction in life!

Study How to Be an Overcomer to grasp the proper method of repentance. Understand how repentance is a necessary weapon in the arsenal of a true Christian as he wages spiritual warfare. Uncover the definition of sin, and the glorious law you must keep to prevent and overcome it. Learn about the mighty spiritual power you must possess to achieve lasting repentance and experience abundant joy. Receive the encouragement and strength you need to keep fighting against evil and striving for perfection every day.

You will also receive a free copy of our Bible lesson “Passover—The Beginning of God’s Master Plan.” Each year, members of God’s one true Church keep the Passover as the first of seven annual observances that picture God’s master plan for all mankind.

The Passover pictures the two-fold sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In Psalm 22, King David wrote about that sacrifice one thousand years before it happened. This deeply sobering Bible passage conveys the physical, mental and emotional anguish Christ went through—for you.

Study our Bible lesson on Passover to sharpen your vision of Christ’s monumental act of love to deliver healing and salvation to every human being who has ever lived. The Passover vision will compel you to walk with God for the rest of your physical life and beyond!

“Passover—The Beginning of God’s Master Plan” is just one of 36 free Bible lessons in our Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course. Please consider enrolling in this Bible course to build a right spiritual foundation for a lifetime of success and fulfillment.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request How to Be an Overcomer and “Passover—The Beginning of God’s Master Plan.” Order now!

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