What is God – What’s the Purpose of Life – What’s the one True Religion – Nanci L. Danison – NDE

11 months ago

Alex Ferrari from Next Level Soul Podacst interviews Nanci L. Danison who clinically died in surgery and while on the other side she asked a lot of questions and received answers to all of them.

What is God?
Is there a Hell?
I there Judgment?
What is the one true Religion?
What is the Purpose of Life?

Summary of what Nanci L. Danison said – Not Necessarily My Opinions and Beliefs:

What is God?

GOD is an Infinite Energy Source, all knowing, all loving, has a distinct personality, creative, funny, curious, created the Universe out of curiosity. God has NOTHING in common with Humans. Creative. It imagined things that knew could exist but couldn’t experience directly, in its own nature. It populated the Universe with life and things. In order to experience what it is like to be inside a human, a tree, a dog, a rock, etc, it projected it’s own consciousness and self-awareness into those various matters and it is what we call a Soul. God is experiencing things from the inside of his creations to the outside.

The person you consider to be the true you and your personality – that is your Soul.

All the good things inside you is SOURCE. That is you operating as Source in the Physical World.

All the negative inside you is just the Animal Nature. Humans are animalistic. Just as Tigers take down prey in the wild, sometimes humans act the same way.

God is experiencing the Universe from inside all of the things it has imagined. God, Prime Creator or Source is the Ultimate Collective Soul. We are really one with and of the Prime Creator who separates to experience things that source cannot experience by itself.

Religion: There is no true religion period. Religions were developed out of good faith as the human souls knew there was something more, so they projected these thoughts and religions were man made.

Jesus – Nanci says that no ONE person existed that matches the life story of Jesus Christ. The story is composed of little pieces of Egyptian Mythology, little pieces of Chinese Mythology, little pieces of Jewish beliefs, and a lot of a group of wandering heretics (believers in a religion, like Christianity). These pieces came together decades after the alleged lifetime of Jesus. They were pulled together by religious leaders who were trying to bring Pagans into the Christian Religion. They altered Christianity with a lot of Holidays because it appealed to the Gentiles and they needed a figurehead as all previous religions had had a man like God figurehead. So they created one.

Hell – there is not hell besides the hell we create for ourselves. If your mom wouldn’t send you to hell, God sure wouldn’t.

Manifestation is all about thought – what we think, we can manifest.

According to Naci – she got to see herself through others and she knew everything about them, she heard their thinking and she even saw what could have happened different if she made different choices.

Nanci said she had lived thousands of lives and she remembered every single moment of every one of them. Animals, creatures and human lives.

In the Spirit World - "Heaven", we can Share Soul Experiences and experience other lives living as them experiencing their life OR living as yourself experiencing their life. Imagine that Souls are like Bubbles and the Bubbles can unite to form a larger one and you can combine or unite with many others at the same time to experience more lives from a non-physical experience or perspective.

We live thousands of lives on this planet and others both as humans and other creatures.

When we incarnate we can choose any timeline as past, present and future is all now and time does not exist, it is NOT linear.

What is The Purpose of Life?

The purpose of life is for the Experiences, to live out our Passions, to Love Unconditionally with Compassion and to have Fun and be Joyful and Happy.

We are part of Source. If you choose to learn about Greed, you will incarnate into all different creatures to learn all the angles and aspects of greed.

Most souls are experiencing a character trait or a theme or a physical aspect of the Universe that source can’t experience directly.

We also incarnate with loved ones so we can support each other. We are a catalyst for them as they are a catalyst for us. We help each other achieve goals on the soul level.

Also to try and control the human "Animal". Earth is considered a primitive, wild place in the spirit world. It is a challenge to come into a human body and control it. It can be difficult to keep it from acting wild and violent. In order to be compassionate and express unconditional love, we have to control ourselves and raise our consciousness.

Where is Heaven? Heaven is a state of Existence. It is not a Place. It is a state of existence you reach when you are not incarnated. In between incarnations we return to Heaven.

Heaven is one stage of eternal life. We may grow into the incarnation state and we may grow out of the incarnation state.

There is no Hell. God or Source is NOT a Punishable God. God is Pure Love.

Source did not create a hell when he created the Universe. EVERYTHING that exists IS Source. Why would source punish part of source forever in eternal damnation?

Since the Soul is of Source God and Source God is Good, the Soul is Good.

If a human soul is a bad person or a murderer or emotional and/or physical abuser – upon death that Soul will be “emotionally” damaged and will go through a spiritual cleansing, which is like counseling or rehabilitation on Earth. Hell in a sense is like “soul shame” from the other souls it damaged on Earth in this lifetime. There is no eternal hell. Souls will recover and reincarnate.

Manifestation – we all have the ability to physically manifest. When we are deliberately MIS-Educated, we establish belief systems off of the falsehoods and our lives are manifested according to these beliefs. This is one of the purposes of being “dumbed” and misled by the education system – both K-12 and College.

Unconditional Love – when we have this, we have it all.

Ultimate Purpose of Life: EXPERIENCE all of it and whatever you want. Live to your Fullest Passions and live in the Moment.

About Nanci:
Nanci L. Danison is a retired attorney and current spiritual author who has written 5 books on her near death experiences (NDE) and the information she received in the afterlife. Nanci holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in biology (anatomy & physiology) and chemistry, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence. She has also had 3 NDE-OOB experiences during which she got out of her body in hospitals during surgery or when very close to death. Nanci has had what she calls 2 “pop-in” NDEs, where I popped into the afterlife for a particular purpose while still alive. During one, I had a life review. During the other, she received a huge download of information about everything that has ever been written in Earth’s history. Lastly, she was privileged to share her mother’s out-of-body adventure and death via an empathic NDE. For a number of years, Nanci was the group leader of Central Ohio IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies), a chapter she founded. She has spoken at an IANDS Conference and various IANDS chapter group meetings over the years.

SOURCE: Alex Ferrari – Next Level Soul Podcast -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7JmmJVKoyM&t=3039s
END. 1/26/2024.

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