What are the Differences Between Pop_OS! and Garuda KDE Dar460nized Gaming Edition?

11 months ago

Differences between #popos and #garuda #gaming edition Intro
So I was asked to do a comparison between Garuda KDE Dragonized Gaming Edition which I will call garuda because I'm lazy and POP OS For gaming.
I have kind of done that with other videos and how they compare running games with as minimal effort as possible.
From my experience, grauda was better out of the box for this.
But Now I'm going to do a more broad comparison between the 2 distros, because there are quite a few differences.

So the first thing to notice between the 2 distros is that POP OS is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian.
And Garuda is based off arch. It's important to know this because even using the command line to install packages is different.
For example, `sudo apt update` will update the package list on pop os but on arch you need to use `sudo pacman -Syu`.

Pop OS will be simpler and easier to use than Garuda also because of this.

Garuda has a rolling release system which means that its users will have the best software available as it is released.
The downside of this is that this can break other aspects of your system.
I haven't came across this yet but that's because I'm a distro hopping junkie.
Where as because Pop os is based on Ubuntu it will have a more stable release system.

Garuda will is not like Doom, in that it can only run on 64Bit architecture, namely AMD64 and Intel 64
Pop os can run on arm as as well as the standard 64 bit architectures.

Both distros are well documented because they are both popular which is always helpful, no matter your experience level.
Both have great package managers, Pop OS would pull away here if not for the Arch User Repository.
Both these distros are easy to install, Garuda has fewer steps as I recall but they are both pretty easy to get up and running with.
That's some of the differences and similarities at a foundational level.
Let's see how they compare out of the box.

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