THROWN AWAY - Plain Tales From The Hills - Rudyard Kipling - Full Audiobook

1 year ago

#Thrownaway #PlainTalesFromTheHills #RudyardKipling #FreeAudiobook
Plain Tales from the Hills is a collection of short stories written by Rudyard Kipling, first published in 1888. The stories are set in the British colonial India of the late 19th century.

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THROWN AWAY - Plain Tales From The Hills - Rudyard Kipling - Full Audiobook
In this short story, Rudyard Kipling explores the theme of societal expectations and the consequences of rigid class distinctions in British colonial India. The narrative follows the life of a young Englishman named Trejago, who falls in love with a woman named Miss Fowler. Due to societal pressures and the disapproval of their relationship, Trejago's career and personal life take a tragic turn.

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