Yoked With An Unbeliever - Plain Tales From The Hills - Rudyard Kipling - Full Audiobook

1 year ago

#PlainTalesFromTheHills #RudyardKipling #FullAudiobook
Plain Tales from the Hills is a collection of short stories written by Rudyard Kipling, first published in 1888. The stories are set in the British colonial India of the late 19th century.

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Yoked With An Unbeliever - Plain Tales From The Hills - Rudyard Kipling - Full Audiobook
The story is about Phil Garron, a young Englishman who works on a tea plantation in India. Phil falls in love with Agnes Laiter, an English woman living in Simla, but Agnes is engaged to another man. Phil returns to England, but he can't forget Agnes. When Agnes gets married, Phil writes her a letter telling her that her heart is broken. The story explores the tensions between love, marriage and religion against the backdrop of the British Raj.

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