Executions in the Third Reich

1 year ago

My research takes me to the strangest and saddest places. Let's take a look inside the Third Reich's internal death machine - the average executions of average citizens and soldiers, and witness their vain attempts to humanize the inhuman.

Come hear me pronounce "Reich" in six different ways, all of them wrong!

00:00 Introduction
03:20 Why kill?
09:47 How to Kill?
16:02 Building death: commissioning the guillotine
20:46 The Executioner
26:38 Execution sites
28:51 Get ready!
30:54 Beheadings
34:52 Hangings
36:41 Useful until the end, and afterwards
41:30 The hopelessness of it all

1. "Central Execution Sites: The Execution of the Death Penalty in Germany from 1937-1945. Executioners in the Third Reich" (by Thomas Waltenbacher, 2008)
2. "The Hell in the Moor: On the history of the Emsland camps 1933-1945" (collection of essays, edited by the Esterwegen Memorial Foundation, Bernd Faulenbach and Andrea Kaltofen, 2017)
3. "Pattjackenblut: Lining up to die in rows of five. The "Herold" - Massacre in Emsland Camp II Aschendorfermoor in April 1945" (by Heinrich and Inge Peters, 2014)
4. Axis History Forum: Beheadings in the Third Reich https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtop...

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