Can Combining These 7 Core Nutrients Revive Cell Health After COVID-Vax Injury?

1 year ago

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Why were some people hit harder by mRNA COVID vaccines than others? Which seven core nutrients—in combination—work to revive cellular health after COVID vaccine injury?
Over half a billion mRNA COVID vaccines have been dispensed in the United States. Many people have suffered severe side effects to these vaccines, including thrombosis, stroke, and myocarditis. But what biochemical factors account for those suffering minimal or no side effects?
Amid spike-protein toxicity, the greater resilience shown by some people comes down to the health and function of three main cellular systems—whose functions range from cellular energy production to enabling nerve-to-nerve communications, says neuroscientist and biochemical researcher Dr. Dayan Goodenowe.
Dr. Goodenowe’s targeted nutrient treatment aims to replenish these key systems. For Vital Signs COVID-Vax Rescue PART 3, host Brendon Fallon explores the results of this treatment on several patients, including two who suffered major health crises following vaccination.
From n-acetylcysteine to support cellular energy production to phospholipid plasmalogens to shore up nerve-cell membranes, Dr. Goodenowe details the seven core nutrients to revive cell health after mRNA vaccine injury.
Over several decades, Dr. Goodenowe has developed systems for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment across a range of diseases—including autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s disease—as covered previously on Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon.
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