"Little Boy Not Amused By Gym Class"

7 years ago

"Engaging into physical activity is very important especially in order for children to develop well and grow up to be healthy individuals. Parents should always remind their kids how necessary is to be active and work out few times a week. Every gym class starts with stretching routine and then the exercises begin. We all know someone who was not so excited about gym classes at school. In fact, we surely were that particular person once in our life. These cute little kids, all dressed up in blue t-shirts, enjoy their gym class. All, except for this one little guy who does not even move a muscle. While all of them sing and look extremely happy, their friend and the hero of our story seems like he is not so amused to be present on this class. He makes a grumpy face and stares at the camera filming them, as if he was punished for some wrong doing."

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