Was the recent war game conducted by the CCP intended to intimidate America?

1 year ago

1/24/2024 Was the recent war game conducted by the CCP intended to intimidate America? According to a report from the South China Morning Post, during a war game carried out in a secret lab of the CCP, missiles evaded US military detections to strike an American carrier group using low-orbit satellites. Although this may simply be a propaganda strategy to deter the Americans, it is concerning that Communist China is spending a lot more on its military than it claims and is deploying its navy more aggressively around the world.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
1/24/2024 中共最近的一场兵棋推演是为了吓唬美国吗?《南华早报》报道称,在中共一秘密实验室进行的兵棋推演中,导弹通过低轨卫星规避了美国军方的探测,成功打击了一个美国航母战斗群。尽管这可能只是中共国用来威慑美国的宣传策略,但令人担忧的是,中共国的军费开支远超过其宣称的数额,并且正在全球范围内更加积极地部署其海军。
#中共 #消灭中共

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