Trump DISRUPTS Senate Deal; Haley DonorsBail? Deadly Attack In Gaza; FAA Plan ForBoeing 737 MAX 9

1 year ago

Negotiation on immigration reform and supplementalaid is on pause, per Senate Minority Leader MitchMcConnell (R-Ky.), who said there's path forwardcurrently. Republicans are balking at the terms of adeal, while reports say former President Trump hasbeen having private conversations with GOP senatorsto kill any border deal. The U.S. shot down two HouthiTerrorist missiles fired at an American war ship. Backhere at home, GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haleysays she isn't going anywhere, but donors arereportedly growing skeptical of her path forward. NoLabels Director Joe Cunningham joined Kevin Cirilli tomake the case for expanding ballot access, paving theway for more than two-party election tickets.

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