Green Light At Night - Explaining & Correcting A Mistake (Thanks furryferret)

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Thanks to one of my fairly engaged followers, FurryFerret, I am able to correct a very silly mistake I spoke on last evening related to an article I recently posted.
Green light for cannabis at night, I'll explain my hilarious color Math as I call it.
I am a Cannaseur, but my cultivation skills are in development. I am very honest about this FACT. I have grown all sorts of plants my entire life, but only had a few cannabis plants,.all outdoors except a few failed attempts over the years. Failed due to my paranoia of breaking the law, WHILE BREAKING THE LAW.
So much of my knowledge not from online comes from knowledge I've learned from growers. I know. I still swear I read or saw somewhere that blues were useful as night night work on cannabis in sleep cycle, but the consensus is green light.

Again, I'll explain my color math, it may make sense, or my brain may be mis representing what I saw and it was green light, whatever i think i saw that said that... 😂

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