E9.6 - Can Radial Symmetry Save The Lorentz Transformations? Ask Us Whatever.

1 year ago

Episode 9.6 makes the case for a universal preferred reference frame. Joe Sorge takes us through a set-up that introduces a neutral observer in a third frame of reference and compares it to the set-up we learned about in E7.4 where there were two reference frames. By walking through the results of the Lorentz Transformations and the Velocity Addition formula in both set ups, Joe adeptly shows that while a third reference frame with a neutral observer allows for some additional symmetry, it fails to provide the original numerical relationships between frames or between objects within frames. Joe checks time elapsed, clock offsets, length contraction, and time dilation. Despite the symmetry, Joe shows that the Lorentz model does not predict the correct real-world results. Watch the whole episode for a full explanation.

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