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The Good Son
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"Truth doesn't mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
John Ramirez is an internationally known evangelist. He's been a guest speaker at many churches and Christian programming, due to his past life: a Palo Mayombe high priest and involvement in other espiritismo practices.
Born on December 1963; this former Puerto Rican native, grew up in New York City (NYC). After his conversion to Christianity, this bad boy gone good; has authored 8 books; several have been translated into other languages.
Ramirez even obtained a Doctorate of Divinity (DD or DDiv), from Life Christian University. Despite his notoriety, he still lives and is headquartered in NYC. All of which is an amazing contrast, from darkness into the light. The only's completely fabricated.
John Ramirez uses what most people use, with these types of manipulation: ignorance. SanterÃa and Palo Mayombe are both Afro-Caribbean religions; their origins being in Africa (in different regions of the continent) and they also have nexus points with Cuba. Outside of that nation, most do not have any knowledge of their existence.
Voodoo happens to be the most well known of all the Afro-Caribbean religions, through the plethora of material provided by the entertainment industry. Prior to George A. Romero's 1968 classic: Night of the Living Dead; zombies were the result of black magic, that was created by some Voodoo ritual.
There's little material on both SanterÃa and Palo Mayombe. The 1987 film The Believers, starring Martin Sheen, Robert Loggia and Helen Shaver; Borderland, a 2007 film, starring Brian Presley and Jake Muxworthy; Santeria: The Soul Possessed, a 2012 film, starring Nellie Gonzalez and Kevin Rankin; are the only movies in pop culture that has SanterÃa in it.
When it comes to Palo Mayombe, there's no fictional material that centers around the religion but an incident back in 1989, gave this religion its 15 minutes of fame (more accurately, infamy). A Texas pre-med student: Mark Kilroy, during spring break, went to Mexico.
While vacationing, Kilroy had the misfortune of running into followers of a Palo Mayombe cult, whose leader was Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo. Constanzo's cult group, Matamoros; sold their services to drug cartels. They provided their clients with spells of protection and success but needed human sacrifices to have them accomplished.
The death of Kilroy, brought national attention in the Americas. The media referred to Constanzo's cult as the "Narco-satanists." There have been several documentaries and books written about the religion and the incident. All of which have been put together by those outside of the religion and as a result, have many errors concerning the belief.
In Ramirez's autobiographical book, Devil's Caldron: A Journey from Darkness to Light; he says he's a high priest of the Palo Mayombe faith. Yet he weaves his understanding of Palo Mayombe and SanterÃa in a way that's indicative of a novice, not a high priest of either Palo Mayombe or SanterÃa.
Palo Mayombe and SanterÃa have lots in common, in the same fashion the Catholic church and Protestant church have similarities. Yet the distinctions between the two groups are so pronounced, that only a person that isn't familiar with the actual practice; would confuse the two. The same holds true with Palo Mayombe and SanterÃa, anyone that's gotten past the elementary levels of the religion, wouldn't make the mistakes Ramirez makes.
Additional aspects with seeing the true nature of this person. He equates being a Palo Mayombe high priest, as that being the same as a Satanic one. Here's the problem with that; neither Palo Mayombe or SanterÃa believe in Satan. Despite both being pseudo-Catholic religions; Satan is a figure that is non-existent in both faiths.
The only reason for a "former Palo Mayombe high priest," would say something like that: sensationalism. Doing so, grabs a consumer's attention to buy the book or get a person to listen to the speaker. When you listen to Ramirez speak in the video; he shares how he was also into Wicca, Eastern mysticism and the New Age.
Sounds pretty impressive but there's no evidence to prove his statements are remotely true. In the video he talks about Halloween. There are multiple problems that present themselves. Though many pagan religions celebrated October 31; in some fashion; honoring some god or goddess, for the fall harvest but the Halloween tradition (that is celebrated in the Western world); comes from Gaelic paganism.
Known as the Festival of Samhain; this wasn't simply a one night event but three. It was a ghoulish time, where they practiced necromancy: set places to honor the dead and even attempt to communicate with them; graves were open and bonfires were lit with human sacrifices.
If Ramirez really knew about Halloween, opposed to simply being a poser; he would have said something to the effect of being a Druid or into Druidry (Gaelic paganism did NOT use the term witches). Many males, that are drawn to these types of "alternative spiritual" practices; find the title Druid as a suave one to have earned.
This could be partly due to the legendary figure Merlin, from the Arthurian lore. There are many who believe that J.R.R. Tolkien's character Gandalf is based upon him and to state the obvious; Merlin was a Druid. Details such as this, exposes another aspect to this mirage: he had no human contact or connections, with the communities he has claimed to be part of.
There is a high probability, that if he were even more familiar with the different religions out there; he would have thrown that into the mix. To prove this point; the way he uses espiritismo. It's simply the Spanish word for spiritual. It's no different than those that say they aren't religious but spiritual, like the way Oprah Winfrey used to say how she practiced her Christianity. Ramirez on the other hand, uses that word to make it seem like it's just another "dark religion," he was practicing.
Furthermore, Ramirez's fearmongering about witches; putting spells or curses on candies; doesn't happen. The reason they won't, is due to the "cosmic laws" that witches believe in. They have a belief system similar to the concept of karma or vipaka. For some, it's known as Rule of Three or The Threefold Law but whatever the practice; by cursing without legitimate reason, will bring suffering unto the person doing the curse.
Moreover, Ramirez doesn't bring true knowledge to the table, when it comes to Halloween. Other than a camp fire tale of scary fiction; he doesn't offer up any usable knowledge. His mother being a Jehovah's Witness more than likely drilled the evils of Halloween and he's just repeating material from that group.
Some of the things Ramirez has said concerning the holiday is psychobabble. He claims that by wearing a mask, you're hiding your identity and embracing another. There have been times he has suggested it's self loathing.
If he really were a student of the Bible, he'd be aware of a holiday called Purim.
It's not part of the Mosaic Law but rather found later, in the Book of Esther. That holiday is considered the "Jewish Halloween." There's no parallel to the pagan holiday, other than dress up in a costume and having sweet treats.
Both of which, expose him as one who doesn't know the Bible well and nor is he some psychological expert. All of which show that he only possess a superficial knowledge of what he claims to have expertise in.
This same type of aggrandizement can be seen on his website: "Not only is the Lord using him to set many free, but John, by God's incredible grace, has received his Doctorate of Divinity through Life Christian University by the precious man of God Dr. Wingate, and his wife, Dr. Susan, founders of this prestigious college. He received his Bachelor's degree as well as his ordination papers. Praise be to God for this incredible blessing."
That makes him sound as though he has studied; gone through the riggers of academic challenges; to get a degree. Here is, once again, another instance of ignorance being used as a manipulative tool.
DDiv is an easily obtained title, that can be received in a non-accredited program in a church, online or even by mail; without any required standards. One can simply pay a fee and have the title. Outside of America, this isn't the case. Using the United Kingdom as an illustration; to obtain a DDiv in that nation; is the highest degree one can obtain in the area of study.
The reason why the title DDiv is so easily obtained; some denominations require that those in certain positions of authority, have them. Requirements of such standing, are found within their bylaws. The Episcopal Church is one such denomination; where those desiring to be bishops, must have a DDiv.
What further makes Ramirez claims suspicious: in America, a legitimate religious bachelor's degree: Bachelor of Art or Science (depending on the type of degree one obtains), in the area of: Ministry, Theology, Divinity, Religious Studies or a ministry-related field; is the standard for any academic, undergraduate accomplishment. This is the standard for all recognized and accredited universities.
Even those who've attended college, wouldn't know these particular details because each field of study, has their own degree requirements and classification. Ramirez adding to the point of all this was "earned" at Life Christian University, founded by John and Susan Wingate; should be seen as an unworthy place to learn anything.
Ramirez making the claim that Life Christian University is "prestigious;" he either doesn't know what the word actually means or the real purpose to use the word; create the illusion of a "Christian specialist." One who is educated and experienced, with what he shares or rather in this case, sells.
Below is a short list of prestigious Christian universities. These are top of their class, in religious education. Getting a degree from these universities, is accepted and recognized by other institutions.
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa, California
Biola University
La Mirada, California
Wheaton College
Wheaton, Illinois
Westmont College
Santa Barbara, California
Whitworth University
Spokane, Washington
Life Christian University isn't even ranked within the 100 of the best Christian universities list. This is despite the fact Oral Roberts University is ranked as a tier 2 facility, yet Life Christian University couldn't even manage that.
"A man named Simon had previously practiced sorcery in that city and amazed the Samaritan people, while claiming to be somebody great. They all paid attention to him, from the least of them to the greatest and they said, 'This man is called the Great Power of God.' They were attentive to him because he had amazed them with his sorceries for a long time."
- Acts 8:9-11
For all those that are looking to give him the benefit of the doubt. Here's something else to consider. Every encounter he shares that's demonic; whether in his books or videos; he presents it from a Catholic world view. Satan is not "Lord of the Underworld" and his kingdom is hell. This is a Catholic perspective, a result of "cultural contamination;" where the pagan Romans influenced Christianity.
This perspective was furthered by John Milton's Paradise Lost. All of which are themes constantly used by popular media. Which a person has to decide, whose right. John Ramirez and his semi-Catholic, super soldier stories versus the Bible. This aspect of his sermons and "testimony;" further brings doubts to Life Christian University being a "Biblical" institution. Those details can be further understood in the next link.
It also calls into question every church and ministry that had him speak at their church, without having a major "red flag" go up. Even if I were in the position of leading some religious institution and had zero knowledge as to what Ramirez was talking about; the issue that he puts forth is of such significance; that a person would call into question the Protestant perspective of the Bible or come to conclusion, he's making things up. A none response, would not be a realistic option for a religious leader.
This would naturally bring up the question revolving around Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). There are various posts, within this channel; that recommend CBN but it's important to clarify why it is as such. They've never shown themselves to be solidly Biblical based.
There are some theological holes that exist. They are part of the Word of Faith and Prosperity teaching movement. Both of which are not sound Biblical perspectives and having John Ramirez as a guest speaker, because they view him as some expert demonologist; further adds to the point of their lack of solid Biblical understanding. To fully grasp why these two beliefs contradict a Biblical perspective, the link below address these issues.
Despite all their flaws, they do have a redeeming quality: their coverage of the news. They investigate and share events that have value for anyone that is a Christian. Besides covering Christian related issues; they have great analysis of geopolitical activities, from a Biblical perspective. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream, corporate news agencies are either oblivious to such things or covering them up. Objectivity has gone out the window; which of course has become very apparent, within the last few years.
That's why, I completely endorse their news coverage but nothing else. This endorsement does not extend into any of their perspectives of prophecy. Anyone seeking to enlighten CBN of Ramirez's game, they can be contacted at:
The Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463
Unlike CBN, the ministries listed below; it's wise to avoid them. They've had John Ramirez as a guest to their ministry; multiple times. Since they have no capacity to discern the words of a fake, former Satanist; imagine what other material they are sharing, that isn't Biblical.
To defend that "God uses these ministries," how so? The same way "God uses Oprah Winfrey" to help the underprivileged? It's clear that the Holy Spirit doesn't lead these ministries; as they are deceived and aiding this deception by putting this person on their ministry.
Rock Church - this congregation, doesn't simply have John Ramirez as a guest speaker but they push the same false teachings that Ramirez believes in. They promote the propaganda of witchcraft and host other false teachers within the Charismatic movement. They are on multiple platforms.
Apostle Richard Lorenzo Jr., founder of the Remnant Revival Outreach Center. The same way Rock Church is used to mislead others; Apostle Lorenzo does the same: he shares the same false teachings and uses propaganda concerning witchcraft. He's on multiple platforms.
Isaiah Saldivar - online Christian minister, on multiple platforms.
First Love Ministries Church - A church organization that shares their messages via YouTube.
Armen Ministry - A ministry out in Glendale, CA. They are on several social media and video sharing platforms.
Marilyn Hickey Ministries - On multiple forms of media.
Destiny Image - A ministry that uses multiple forms of media to distribute information.
Messianic Vision - A ministry that uses multiple forms of media.
Considering these ministries couldn't protect themselves from deception; how well do you think they will be able to help you protect yourself? Those that use the point that they are sincere and they love has to consider this...emotions are not a testament of what goes on in the soul; it's actions.
Just as those individuals that engage in sexual activity, outside of their marriage; the feelings for the partner could be very strong but the temptation was stronger. A celebrity couple, where such was the case: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. They had gotten married back in November 1940.
Desi Arnaz loved his wife but despite having two children together; he had numerous sexual relationships. He was involved with 2 - 3 women a week. In his mind, love and sex weren't the same, according to him: "Your wife is one thing and you respect and love your wife but these peccadillos a man has on the side are meaningless."
Arnaz lived out his "truth;" which was the cause of his divorce, in May of 1960. Anyone can have "warm and fuzzy feelings;" when a society overly values emotions; it produces a culture that confuses feelings being "eternal truth" but in actuality it's "truth at the moment."
A person, in such a world; has to consider what is genuine. Consider the issue of love. Who defines it? What distinguishes love versus lust? One can choose to believe in the same fashion as Desi Arnaz; where one is simply guided by feelings at the moment or choose to live and see the world through values; where emotions and actions do matter.
"Jesus answered, 'If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word. My Father will love him and We will come to him and make Our home with him. The one who doesn't love Me will not keep My Words. The Word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me."
- John 14:23-24
On a side note, anyone that has watched the television show, I Love Lucy; in certain episodes, Desi Arnaz would look upwards and beat the conga drums and melodically call out: "Babalu!" That is a genuine invocation of a SanterÃan deity.
The Cuban-born musician, actor and television producer was also a Creyentes (a practitioner of SanterÃa but not clergy). Babalu is one of the prime gods and has many parallels to the Holy Spirit.
There are some that believe Arnaz's success, was a result of his faith. He was internationally known as a musician and his band, Desi Arnaz Orchestra; was one of the leading Latin music groups. The show, I Love Lucy; is considered television's most beloved sitcom of all time.
Desilu Productions, Inc. was the second-largest, independent television production company in the United States. It ranked the number-one independent production company, until Lucille Ball sold it. There is, without question: Desi Arnaz was very successful. Is it contributed to other entities?
Only God knows but it is one of the aspects that draws people to the religion. In many ways, those that are familiar with SanterÃa, view it the same way people saw gypsies. A mystical group that practices divination and rewards those who seek their abilities: love, money and success.
When it comes to Desi Arnaz's success, that was visible. He didn't simply make claims, he had "receipts." This Creyentes was the real deal. John Ramirez and people like him, all you have is words, without evidence. His words reveal the masquerade that he's part of. These ministries that have supported him...they can very well "love God" but that isn't evidence they were ever meant to be part of ministry. These individuals can keep on loving God, without being leaders to that go around misleading people.
After all, this deception is not a minor one. Seeing how those that have been mislead and also participated in misleading others; it puts to question their qualifications to be in ministry. If there is integrity; they'd own the mistake and move on to another profession; not continue to be fooled into another deception. This is an act of truly loving God and not merely saying they do.
Another red flag to consider. He says he's a warlock. It seen by many and understood to mean male witch. Here's the problem with that. Witch is a unisex word. It's applied to both females and males. The term warlock was first used in the 10th century by witch-hunters and the Roman Catholic church, which burned them at the stake.
This was a derogatory term and it meant "breaker of oaths" or "deceiver;" in essence a person without character. Why would anyone who practiced witchcraft embrace a title, where they are calling themselves scumbags? Every other title that witches or occultists have given themselves, all had meaning of wisdom keeper or seeker of truth; titles along those lines.
As the Catholic church dominated Europe and crushed witchcraft; the word warlock ended up in the popular culture of the day, placed in fictional books. It would later re-emerge again, in the modern stories of fantasy.
Some time in the 2010s, some people wanted to redeem the word warlock, in the same way some thought it a good idea to redeem the word n*gger. Prior to that point; the only people that embrace warlock are those looking for attention or "baby witches;" the ones that know nothing but every book introducing witchcraft; all explain the terminology of warlock.
Which is strange, since Ramirez says he got saved back in 1999. Needless to say, more often than not; anyone saying they were a warlock...grifter. The irony though, those telling tales of a falsified past; they truly are warlocks and John Ramirez is definitely had earned that particular title.
People reading this and other posts, addressing similar issues; all would assume that I used to be a practitioner of the occult or followed some magickal belief system. That is far from the case. My "spiritual" or "religious" life could easily be described as being very similar to Bill Maher's comments, in his 2008 documentary: Religulous.
My parents being "cultural Christians," lended itself to my own status of being the same. To understand what a "cultural Christian" is, the link below; within the "Supplemental Material" section; covers that type of religious practice.
We would attend church for Easter and Christmas; that was until I got closer to being a tween. After that, church became a distant memory. I wasn't into any religions or spirituality but I am a people person and as such, found what other people see as important; an interest to me.
I live in a very multicultural and diverse city. As such, I know people from all walks of life, from all sorts of religions and spiritual practices. The closest thing that came to personal interest with spirituality; was my fondness for horror movies. Part of the subgenre covers the paranormal, such as zombies, ghosts, witches, etc.
It wasn't until I was a young adult, did I become "born again." Before that time though; I have a friend who is a witch. She would eventually work her way up to becoming a professor at an elite university (but not classified as an Ivy League); whose part of the faculty of the religious studies department.
As a result of me being a people person and having a genuine interest with people's ways of life; it's opened doors for me to meet famous and highly recognized people in paganism, witchcraft and the occult. People who've authored books, on said practices and are celebrities in these communities.
In addition, my earlier years; as a result of my career; it had me in the United Kingdom. It was at that point in time, where I had gotten romantically involved with a Wiccan. She was the daughter of a high priestess of the oldest Wiccan coven in the that country.
That sounds impressive to some; being a descendant of the oldest family of Wiccans. It sounds as though her family line of mystics, extended into ancient times. Here's the thing about Wicca, it isn't ancient. It's classified as a "neo-pagan" practice.
The reason being, Wicca isn't an ancient form of witchcraft. Founded by Gerald Gardner; it was established in the mid-20th century. Wicca attempted to be the all encompassing form of witchcraft. Taking different elements from all the various forms of the practice; to be the ultimate and final authority for all of witchdom; that was to unites them all.
What turned out instead, was a weaker form of witchcraft. The "uncle" of Wicca, Aleister Crowley (Gerald Gardner and Crowley were friends and some of Crowley's teachings did get incorporated into the belief system); was disappointed with the turn out of the spiritual practice.
There are some witches that first started off as Wiccans; they will often say how; in comparison to witchcraft; Wicca is a poor, want to be version. Here's another tip off to fake former Wiccans, turned Christian. There is no dark or evil version of Wicca and Satan isn't part of the belief system.
One of the core beliefs for a Wiccan is known as the Wiccan Rede, which is their moral code. In it, it states: "If it harms none, do what you will." This does not allow for a person that is a Wiccan, to harm anyone.
Those that practice sorcery (this is the old word for black magick), as well as Satanists; label those that practice "good magick" or "white magick," as "white-lighters." This is also a label given to all Wiccans because they only use "white magick."
Obviously John Ramirez doesn't know that at all or he wouldn't have shared it; for it would go against him looking like some "Prince of Darkness." For those who have truly followed the dark path and honored the Lord of Evil; they would know distinctive aspects, concerning the religion that bears the name of their master. Satanism has three main branches: atheistic, spiritual and theistic.
The atheistic version of Satanism only has Satan as a mascot. There is no belief in a real Satan. The two largest sects of Satanism are both atheists: Church of Satan and the other being The Satanic Temple. Though they have rituals, they are more for show and feelings of attachments to the organization.
These rituals have no element of being real but it fosters a form of therapy for those who feel traumatized by organized religion. Those that are often part of either of these groups, tend to have the psychological make up, as described in the link below.
Spiritual Satanism, are those that believe in and use some level of spirituality (such as using meditation, crystals, charms, etc.); facilitate the use of magick or do both. As in the case of Satanic atheist; they only see Satan as a mascot and embrace lots of the philosophy of the atheists.
Theistic Satanists are what most people picture in their minds as Satanists. They are sometimes referred to as "Hollywood Satanists" because they are the ones in horror movies; summoning monsters and putting curses on everyone.
In the video, Ramirez quotes Anton Szandor LaVey; founder of the Church of Satan; one of the popular atheist version of Satanism. His behavior concerning LaVey is as though he's covertly infiltrated Satan's command center and intercepted high value material on tactics and strategy of his servants.
Among the theistic Satanist community, Anton Szandor LaVey is considered a joke. It's perceived by them, that his followers (known as LaVeyan Satanist); are as pathetic as he was; people looking for attention.
Ramirez's use of LaVey, makes the old English proverb: "birds of a feather, flock together;" an example of words in action. As true with Anton LaVey and his followers; John Ramirez behavior, all reveals a man that seeks attention.
The video linked above, shows one type of deviant psychological make up. Other types of aberrant personalities: narcissist, sociopath, borderline personality disorder, god complex and Machiavellianism.
All of these pathologies have many similarities with one another but there does exist distinct differences that make each of them novel. Since this isn't a psychological class, nor a white paper on criminal personalities; where observations for certain subjects are sought; for the sake of brevity, they'll all be classified as antisocial personality spectrum (APS).
Considering John Ramirez has lied about his spiritual involvement; his autobiography is unreliable but using simple observation: John Ramirez's speech impediment; causes him to be mocked and ridiculed at school. He probably had an overprotective mother. With her parenting style; encouraged his APS development.
Unhappy with his life and being sheltered the way he was; he didn't have any prospects of having a career that anyone would notice. The late 80's and through part of the 90's; there were scandals within the church; more specifically televangelists. These activities centered around sexcapade to fraud.
Add to that, he probably had a family member or friend that practiced SanterÃa and saw news stories concerning Palo Mayombe. With his APS, his sense of being able to "build a better mouse trap;" he reconnoitered Charismatic Churches; to analyze and facilitate his targeted audience.
Some time during the developmental phase of plans; he probably was exposed to an individual known as Michael Warnke. This would have either been via church chatter or the news. Warnke was an evangelist, that claimed he was a Satanist and an "expert" in the field. In 1992, it was discovered that he falsified his life story. It's interesting how
Warnke and Ramirez lives parallels each other; including the positions in ministry.
John Ramirez's packaging of himself; has been set up in a fashion, so that he could get the maximum effect, for his pursuits. The selection of Charismatic Churches and focusing in organizations that are affiliated with the movement; was done so because they are much more prone to massages of giving up one's money and beliefs of the paranormal; that cross the line into unBiblical ideas.
As seen in the link above; within the Charismatic movement; Prosperity teaching adds to this particular group, being an excellent choice for manipulation. It also wouldn't be surprising if he engaged in sexual relationships, that is not permitted within the Bible. Oftentimes, people with Ramirez's psychological makeup; will take advantage of people, in this fashion.
Another thing that can be seen; he's well versed in many of the questionable teachings, that are part of some Charismatic groups. Unlike the clear ignorance that is displayed by his "alternative spirituality," he's clearly taken the time to study certain teachings he's aimed for manipulation.
Ramirez's behavior also indicates something else; he isn't a Christian. Taking the position of: "no one is perfect," is only an excuse. Every Christian struggles with a sinful nature. Sometimes a person wins, other times a person loses. Even though it's a struggle to be godly; the difference between a true Christian and a fake one; is that they actually have the struggle.
With Ramirez, he's been telling his fabricated story for years. Gets up in front of churches, talks in front of cameras and there's not one single hint of conviction. With most situations, it's hard to tell those who are genuinely Christians and those who are not. In John Ramirez's case, it's clear that he is not.
Ironically, there is some truth to what he's shared. Though he was never part of the practices he claims to have been part of...what he has accomplished, is service to Satan. This fairytale that he shares, about his so-called life; ends up being propaganda against everyone part of said group.
It's no different than what the Catholic church had done with witches; certain dominations and their justification of using blacks, as slaves and the antisemitic beliefs in Europe, that set up the environment for pogroms and the eventual leading to the Holocaust, in Nazi Germany.
In many ways John Ramirez actually encourages Christianized witchcraft. It's first important to understand what witchcraft is. There is so much misinformation concerning it (mostly a result of the Catholic Church and popular culture); that it's important to understand witchcraft from a historical perspective.
To fully understand how the video that's linked above, has anything to do with witchcraft; one has to look at the defining point; the central, universal component that's indicative of all forms of the practice. The philosophical cornerstone of witchcraft: is that all things have within it, magick or powers. The witch seeks unlock and unleash the magick or powers that objects contain and use it for whatever purpose.
As Christians and the development of science; we know there are no magickal powers that exist, within material objects. Yet when you hear any Christian saying something possess supernatural powers, this is the basic premise of witchcraft.
Material such as the ones above, is witchcraft disguised as Christianity. These objects have no powers and does not reveal hidden truth. There's not one Scripture verse that condones these types of activity and contribute to behaviors and the mindset of witches.
To further investigate how deep his deception is; I've shared his book and shown videos with those that are part of the community, he claims to have been part of. To no surprise, they all said he's a liar. Everything he's shared is directly from Hollywood movies or things he's seen on TV. He hadn't lifted a finger to study anything and by the things he says; his ignorance is apparent.
Ramirez is much older than myself and my peers. We were still children when he lived out his last leg of being "Satan's son." Thing is, they grew up in the religion and so they had no problems finding out if he was a high priest.
Palo Mayombe is such a small community, even in the largest city in America; every high priest in Palo Mayombe knows each other. To get that position, it's earned and that person is only granted that office, once the leader of Palo Mayombe bestows his blessings on that person.
In addition, high priests are memorialized and as such, like those that are devoted Roman Catholics, that would know all the Popes; the same is true with Palo Mayombe high priests. Kind of strange but no one knows him...this "third-ranked high priest" isn't recognized by any priests, in that religion.
Prior to the outbreak, I was pursuing to expose John Ramirez but simply going through the channel; it's clear there's a much more important issue that needs to be addressed. All of which can be summarized in the next link, in the "Supplemental Material" section:
In many ways, my efforts with trying to get those that are part of the same community Ramirez claims to have been part of; never working out; was providential. Anyone trying to expose him, beyond simply sharing material like this to friends and family; to sharing such information with both Christian and secular news media; will garner fame; all be it short lived.
Developing such notoriety, would become problematic for my political activities; that are in person and in real time. This would place me from being an anonymous activist to a well known one, such as the man in the next link and generate similar problems.
For all those looking for technical aid, concerning all the falsified information, that John Ramirez puts forth; as mentioned in the post titled Dogma; all personal contacts and connections to any associates; are completely out of the question but a great resource to aid in this quest:
That person isn't a former anything. He's an occultist. Those that have been on Rumble for some time, would see his videos featured every so often. He would be the best source of technical information (that's if you do not know anyone personally).
Those thinking of bringing up criminal charges; that's a waste of time. He's legally able to share his fantasy because of the first amendment. It wouldn't be criminal unless he's actually used his story to take money from people. Even then, it comes down to how much was stolen. If it's insignificant...once again, first amendment.
You could sue but you'll end up hearing from countless lawyers saying it's a waste of time because you'll end up spending more money than what you'll get back. Now if you donated money to him, over 1K, then we're talking shop.
Those seeking to completely expose John Ramirez; beyond simply sharing this post...there are details to be aware of. As mentioned earlier; doing so, would catapult a person into notoriety. For content creators, this is a great way to put whatever platform you're on, into the limelight.
The difference between having 15 minutes of fame versus the launching of a career...all depends on first impressions. By disclosing information concerning Ramirez's fabrication; those with whom you've contacted; will be interested with contacting you and even have you as a featured guest to share what you know.
How you look in front of an audience, will be the defining point, as to whether or not you'll get continual media recognition. A remote video interview, basically what you see in the video linked below.
To put yourself in the best situation, there's several things to do. Go over some of the videos in the channel that's linked below.
Speaking clearly, aids a person's presence. By increasing your ability to do so, boosts your ability to draw attention. It's also good to look over the video below, so that every aspect of your presentation is polished.
Dressing business casual, is recommended and it's ideal to get a good camera. This way, your image is high quality.
The other aspect of getting the most out of the opportunity; set up a video or blog that covers this situation. Full permission is granted to use all the material here, minus the video since that isn't owned by me.
The reason you want to have this alternative relay of data; it will promote your channel. Simply say at some point, "people can find out more by visiting my video/blog, at..." As mentioned earlier, I have no interest with fame, for the reasons addressed earlier.
The only thing that I'd ask in return, is that in the description section (that's the official name to compartment that headed up with the words: "Supplement Material." Most people aren't aware of that and call it lots of other things), is to share this link:
If you look it over, it'll be obvious why I'd want something like that getting some recognition. Keep in mind, time will be of the essence because it'll be those that are "first in line," that will get noticed. Who knows how many people out there have seen and read all this and are making plans to promote themselves.
If you take too long, the window of opportunity will be gone. That's why it's important not to fixate on being perfect. Simply get the general ideas and get to doing things, as fast as possible.
A good place to present your information is to CBN. Their contact information has of course has been mentioned earlier. The other, Fox News. You can reach them at:
The reason you want to give them the opportunity to do the story, John Ramirez has been on both broadcasts. It'll give them a chance to clean up the mess they have with him. If they say they are interested, wait until they are ready to do the report. If not, move on to other news outlets because they would be more than happy to cover it.
Plus, as Christians, it's our duty to fight for what is right. There's nothing godly about hiding someone who is manipulating other Christians and obtaining money and notoriety, as a result.
One person, who is the real article, when it comes to being part of the "alternative religions:" Doreen Virtue. She has written numerous books on divination and other "spiritual" practices. The link below, provides how to get connected to her ministry and discover real aspects to what is going on.
The next ministry linked below, doesn't specialize in alternative religions but is a great source of general Christian knowledge and the person is an individual who is called as an evangelist.
Anyone that gets blessed from this channel and would like to be a blessing; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive.
With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.
Thank you for your consideration!
Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.
(DISCLAIMER: All videos posted within this channel are for educational and historical purposes only. Under the auspices of the Copyright Act of 1976; under section 107 of the copyright disclaimer; all material within this channel is posted with the aforementioned purpose.
All parties involved in the creation of or having some assemblage with the video, as well as all those mentioned; within the description section here, including links; does NOT constitute any acknowledgement, agreement, support or any connection to this channel or content made by the operator of this channel.
Furthermore, this platform or anyone associated with said entity; does NOT necessarily agree with or uphold the views expressed by the operator of this channel. All views and opinions are strictly done so by the operator of this channel.
Conversely, all images, videos, quotes, etc., the facilitation of such does not necessarily equate usage as an endorsement (e.g., the use of the images from Anonymous, isn't an endorsement of the movement). The utilization of said items, within posts, is for aesthetic purposes or to underscore an issue.
Permission is granted in the use of written content; which has been constructed by the operator but the utilization of the videos themselves; permission can NOT be granted, since they are NOT owned by said operator. Only that which is authorized by the Copyright Act of 1976 and the guidelines in which it is given; is what is allowed, in terms of videos.
All material revolving around or related to: health, food, supplements and related scenarios; is not necessarily U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved and as such, inquiries concerning health issues, as well as any related issues; should be sought by qualified experts. Any financial suggestions given; should be examined before taking any steps, for there are no guarantees of outcome).
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