What Everyone Is Missing About The Edmonton City Hall “Terrorist Attack” And Jihad In Canada!!!

1 year ago

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On the morning of Tuesday January 23, a 28 year old security guard entered Edmonton’s City Hall, dropping a Molotov cocktail and shooting randomly into doors, the ceiling, walls and windows.

Bezhani Sarvar is charged with reckless arson in an occupied property, possessing incendiary materials (Molotov cocktail), use of a firearm while committing an offence, careless use of a firearm (assault rifle), throwing an explosive substance and discharging a firearm into a building. Police said late Wednesday afternoon an initial charge of knowingly possessing an unauthorized firearm was going to be dropped.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the Edmonton attack, why it’s happening and what society can start doing today to ensure these things don’t happen again!

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PROOF Canada Is Importing Terror! Edmonton Attack Exposed

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