Parents In Sports (Dan Gambino - Founder The Alley)

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Dan Gambino - Founder The Alley

There have always been parents who push their children too hard to excel in sports, but has the dynamic gotten much worse recently? With NIL deals, scholarships and professional careers all more valuable than ever where is the line between encouraging your child to chase greatness and pushing your child to be your lottery ticket.

Guest: Dan Gambino - Founder of The Alley

Todd marinovich example
Have parents become too involved?
Where is the line?
What is a healthy way to encourage your kids?
If a child proves to be gifted, better to push them or sit back and enjoy their rise?
How much is too much pressure to put on kids?
Are parents trying to live vicariously through their kids?
Ugly incidents in little league
Parents hard on their kids
Parents hard on the refs
Parents hard on other teams kids

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