Hitler.... controlled opposition?

11 months ago

There probably a good reason why Hitler’s passionate speeches never seem to have subtitles.

Here he is pissed off about the subversive Marxist coup happening in Germany.

I’m not convinced that Hitler wasn’t part of a scheme to ultimately create tension & War in Europe, but to pre-War Germany, he was almost a carbon copy of Donald Trump in many ways & equally adored by the German people.

Hitler pleaded with Europe not to start a War, despite Germans being slaughtered like dogs by Polish Bolsheviks in territory seized from Germany. (Often wearing fake black German uniforms)

When he finally responded, Churchill illegally bombed German civilians for the first time in history.

The extermination of Jews idea seems to have been fabricated way after the War (although the 6 million figure was already circulating in the 1920s).

So the question is, how much of our history has been rewritten in a most insidiously inaccurate way? ⚡️


An interesting video by Mr GOODE..... but here's the catch...Hitler's father was a khazarian Zionist Rothschild. If the city of London zionists declared war on Hitler then why was QEII and other Royals enjoying practicing the Nazi salute in the grounds of Buckingham Palace? I still think Hitler was controlled opposition, zionist Nazis in West Poland...Bolshevik zionist Russians in East Poland.....and yet the zionists in Britain only declared war on Hitler. Also why are the Nazis so engrossed withsatanic symbology, the same symbology worshipped by khazarian Ashkenazi zionists, who settled in the Rheinland, where the Rothschild's took their new identity from what was once Bauer. Also the Nazis, Bolsheviks, and the NeoCon zionists in the UNITED STATES all loved to build concentration camps....or Kulags as the Bolsheviks called them, or FEMA camps as the UNITED STATES like to call them. Something still doesn't convince me, and it was head Bolshevik...Vladmir Lenin who said to get the result you want from a war you control both sides, or words to that effect.

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