
1 year ago

(FFT Part 12) So, that central tower at Fort Zeikden that Galagros or whatever crawled into after getting shot by Argath was filled to the brim with gunpowder. After the battle between my forces and Argath's hired knights, Galagros (or whatever, the guy who kidnapped Delita's sister Tietra) lit all that powder. I don't think that point was put across clearly, so I wanted to clarify.

{Editors' Note: I see what is artistically being done here with the writing. The Original Final Fantasy Tactics English translation was awful. This is a re-done and better translation. The problem is, the original was in modern English and this one is supposed to be like Shakespearean old-timey English. It sounds cool, but because Japanese doesn't translate to any English very well, a lot is lost in translation.}

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