Bill Gates fully admitted he wanted to reduce the World’s Population by using ‘Vaccines’.

8 months ago

These are his OWN WORDS that others in the audience of the Ted Talk heard as well.
For the Love of God…ARREST BILL GATES.
About the photo:
A vote for Biden is a vote for:
-Open borders
-Endless wars
-Failing economy
-Recurring “pandemics”
-Forced medical experimentation
-State-run propaganda
-Big Tech censorship
-Weaponization of government
-Destruction of family/religion
-Sexualization of children
Choose wisely.
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. I'm not here to get likes or even followers. I want to redpill as many as I can and I need your help....
ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
Repeat a LIE often enough and it becomes ISRAEL.
The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal (Parts 1 – 20)
“This country, America, has been around for over 240 years and we have never had one president who was assassinated by a person with no ties to the U.S. government.”

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