1 year ago

The JKD or Jeet Kune Do ( Bruce Lee's Methodology Of
Self Defense ) Foot Obstruction as taught to me by JKD Sifu Tim Tackett is different from others taught due to the fact that contact to the attackers' knee or shin is done with bottom of the foot ( heel area) and NOT the blade of the foot which my other JKD Sifu Bob Bremer (Sigong Bruce Lees' student) taught me due to structural bone integrity of the foot. I'm using BOB the training dummys' base as the intended knee or shin area then following up with a palm strike to the head while penduluming back into an on-guard (Bai Jong) stance. This is one of many JKD tools that will be taught starting Friday, February 2nd, at 7p.m. our opening night ADULT Classes by the JKD Friday Night Group at 900 S. Main Street, Suite # 340, Keller, Texas 76248 ( Inside the Bear Creek Plaza ) at Keller Kick Boxing & Martial Arts. Everyone is invited!!! Call (817) 675-3412 for all the particulars. Or email me, jkd sifu mike goldberg at grampsfu@yahoo.com. OR follow us at (instagram@jkdfridaynightgroup)

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