UAW Union Boss And Biden Lackey Shawn Fain Admits Vast Majority Of Rank-And-File Will Vote Trump

8 months ago

This week United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain announced that President Biden has the union's endorsement: 'Instead of talking trash about our union, Joe Biden stood with us,' UAW President Shawn Fain said as he endorsed the US president's reelection bid -- Former Bill Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich said Biden's pro-union and is "reshaping the economy to benefit workers": -- You know who doesn't agree with that? Most workers. But don't take our word for it -- here's the UAW president saying that very thing when it comes to his union's members: UAW Union Boss and Joe Biden lackey Shawn Fain admits that the vast majority of his rank-and-file membership will be voting Trump: "A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden...the majority of our members are going to vote their paychecks."

They're going to "vote their paychecks," meaning the Democrat candidate isn't good for the working class? With friends like Fain, Biden doesn't need any enemies! Typical union, he knows what is best for his employees and their wallets, but he has to tow the line for the union/Democrat marriage. Union leadership has not represented the best interests of their members for a long time. Fain just went ahead and said it out loud.

Twitchy: President of Union That Endorsed Biden Admitted 'Great Majority' of Members WON'T Vote for Him

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