Guy Madison & Adam Gries on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 24 January 2024

1 year ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Guy completed his PhD in 2001 at the Department of Psychology at Uppsala University, following studies also in musicology and computer science. His dissertation and Postdoc work were concerned with human timing modeling, later extended to timing in music and its effects on subjective experience and movement behaviors. His interests also cover evolution, human nature, and cognitive ability, leading to studies of individual differences in creativity, flow, intelligence, and personality. In 2012-2018, he co-directed a comprehensive twin study of both environmental and genetic influences underlying expertise in music and sports.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Adam is a serial tech entrepreneur who has sold four companies reaching over 80 million users. In most of his ventures, he was the founding CEO, largely with a product and growth focus. His academic background includes neuroscience research and software development. Since first hearing of Longevity Escape Velocity in 2005, Adam has been interested in longevity. After the COVID pandemic and witnessing unnecessary deaths and institutional incompetence, he decided to focus on longevity as an investor and operator. Following 2.5 years of searching for a plausible path to not aging and dying, he co-founded, a movement to amplify longevity resourcing by 2-3 orders of magnitude.

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