My Finished and Final Bucket List of My 2020-2024 PowerPoint Presentations is Now Available.

11 months ago

In 2020, I decided to upload my favorite and most important PowerPoint Presentations onto YouTube. I am now finished (almost - just a few I would like to still complete). And I am considering officially 'winding' down in '24 because I simply can't even tell if we will survive 'till '25, know what I mean?

This particular 'sermon' is a 20 minute presentation of the 91 topics with a summary statement for most of the titles.

I have observed that during these recent years, most folks just want their itching ears scratched with easy to listen good words and fair speeches. However, my presentations are geared for those rare birds today who desire and are able to study within the Scriptures (and not a bunch of other books, bibles, languages, etc.) by rightly dividing them looking to Paul only!

If you are capable of doing some serious bible study within the King James Bible, then these 91 presentations should keep you busy until God cuts off the Gentiles (Romans 11:22), which i believe to be sooner than later because most Gentiles are no longer interested in the Goodness of God, and because Paul is the only apostle to the Gentiles and he is the only who teaches the 'goodness of God' (Romans 2:4) and is only found in a King James Bible, then our time down here is very limited (for some of us, anyway).

If you want more to study, visit my other two website at: and

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