Ladies of Another View-01.29.2024

8 months ago

Alexis (Lexi) Wangler, Co-Founder & President of Health Freedom North Dakota joins Mary Graner, Emily Bendish and Jan Wangler to talk about what they have been up to since 2021.

They have been pretty quiet since 2021 as in Lexi's words, "we were just so extremely tired." They started in October 2019, pre-Covid. They were doing events on such a consistent basis almost every two months or more. They hired a consulting firm help with a retreat. The consultants told them they needed to halt all activity until we got some things corrected, restructured, and reorganized. We did the work to change what needed to be changed and restructured our Articles & Bylaws, but they felt their momentum and drive were gone. They fought hard during Legislative Session 2023.

They have big news to share: The Vaxxed bus will be coming through ND. The Vaxxed bus is a new RV/Bus that the Vaxxed documentary team purchased to drive all around the country to interview people and their families in regard to their experiences with hospitals during Covid, the Covid vaccinations, families that have regretted vaccinations & families that chose not to vaccinate. Be on the lookout for the bus in May 2024!

The second, even bigger event, is that we are officially bringing back the "Rock Your Health Summit" September 20-22, 2024! . We are adding a third day with an Appreciation Brunch which will move into the Silent + Live Auction event.

In order to pull this all off though, they need the people's help. They are such a young nonprofit without big financial backers. All their events are executed through the donations they received over time from North Dakotans' since the very beginning. They need the members' and North Dakotans' help to sustain their mission. They registered with Giving Hearts Day. They will be going back to doing T-shirt/Merchandise Fundraisers through our website and Bonfire store. They plan to discount the merchandise they have on hand. The goal is to raise $30,000.

Later in the show, we discussed Trump's campaign run and how ND Governor Doug Burgum fits into his cabinet should he win. Tom Campbell is now running for ND Governor and Bill Gates recently purchased 2,100 acres of land from him, valued at more than $13M!


- Health Freedom North Dakota is getting back on track!

- The Vaxxed Bus will be coming to a town near you!

- Will Trump win the 2024 Election?




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