Will The Texas Border Standoff Be The Fuse That Ignites Americas Second Civil War?

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It was 163 years ago this April 14 that troops from the South Carolina Militia fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay, South Carolina. At 4:30 in the morning the silence of the coast was shattered by the deafening sound of cannons and mortars. Less than 34 hours later the fort surrendered to South Carolina forces. Currently, there is strife at the Texas border that could lead to America’s Second Civil War. America is divided more than ever before with the defining base cause being a state’s right to protect itself from outside invaders and domestic infidels. What happens in the next month or so could quite possibly be the catalyst of a new civil war that could make the first war look like a walk in the park. Are we really that close to military action? Could we be embroiled in a civil war this spring? We’ll look at these things today on Opposing The Matrix. The show starts at 7PM Pacific.

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