
8 months ago

Identity- by My Darling Light

Finger-pointing madmen wielding sour lies
which are eaten up by followers, cresting the divide.
If I don't believe in everything you conjure and you spit,
it doesn't mean that I'm extreme or that you can seal my lips.

The mindless masses who want to break you up by classes
so they can take the reins and pretend to care for those in pain.
Creating victims, then just turn around and trick them
so they can run their game in your neighborhood.

I identify as American. I hope that's understood.

A free mind is a free man or a woman who can tell
the differences and subtleties in what it is they sell.
There may be things agreed upon and truths we know, well-worn.
I won't comply with your narrative based on the color I was born.

The hypocrite sycophants, giving speeches in their tailored pants;
the crap they spew, like they know better than you.
And the talking TV gurus, reading scripts like they were paid to do
are nothing but some corporation's whore.

I'll identify as American and nothing more.

Where will this lead us, this drifting drudgery,
with the children in the crosshairs of a sick society.
The politicians preaching as if they themselves are God,
telling me that I'm invalid, while they squander and defraud.

They entertaining jokesters, choking on their woke words;
pathetic pawns over whom the publics fawns.
The zealot, minion partisan, who knows more than anyone
is cashing in on your daughters and your sons.
The now discarded veterans with no one to speak up for them
are cast aside. Their votes are just too hard to buy.
The chattering is fever-pitched. It's entering our pores.
I'd rather be the one that they all deplore.

I'll identify as American, of this I'm sure.
I identify as American and nothing more.

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