Once a man on trial for the murder of hisparents asks the judge as his last words before the sentence be read

8 months ago

Once a man on trial for the murder of his parents asks the judge as his last words before the sentence be read: YOU HONOR HAVE MERCY ON ME THAT NOW I AM AN ORPHAN!!!!!
Those are many of you after constantly insulting others with your self-righteousness and hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, when an innumerable crowd of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His talmidim first ”Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2. “And whatever is concealed shall be revealed, and whatever is hidden shall be known.
Luqas/Luke 8:17-18
“For whatever is hidden shall be revealed, and whatever is secret shall be known and come to light.

18. “therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever possesses, to him shall be given; and whoever does not possess, even what he thinks he possesses shall be taken from him.”

(He is talking about the Holy Spirit that will be taken from those left behind. The Ruach Ha’Qodesh is the restrainer that keeps the Lawless one from operating, but once is removed he will be introduced and rule for 7 years under Satan)

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