Team America Truth to Power Hour 1/23/24--Hernando County, FL (part 1)

1 year ago

Diane L. addresses a litany of unaddressed issues to the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). Sitting immediately behind Diane is our heavily conflicted Supervisor of Elections, whom we previously took to Federal District Court for the stolen 2020 Election. We ended up having to withdraw the case without prejudice, but good old Shirley is not fond of Diane, who served her Subpoena at one of these BOCC Meetings a few years back. Note Shirley's body language and facial expressions as she sits behind Diane and directly across from Brad Benson, who drafted and filed the case against her. At least she stayed for Diane's speech! Later, when Brad got up to speak, she very publicly and pointedly left the meeting.

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