Spoiled Cat Won't Budge To Let Owners Make The Bed

7 years ago

We love them to bits, sometimes quite literally! We love to pet them and squeeze them and the way they wake us up in the morning and how they leave their hair everywhere...wait, scratch that last bit. We actually don’t want cat hair everywhere. But no matter how hard we try, our cat buddies will always go where they want to, especially if the sun shines perfectly, right on that spot where you freshly pressed blouse was laid for you to get dressed for work in the morning. Or on the fluffy white duvet.

Try as you might, a cat will not give up his sunny spot for anything in the world. You can try asking politely, beggin, even bribery. It all goes down the drain. Why, you might ask? Because in the end, our cats see us as their servants and how dare we interrupt their snooze time?

Dexter here is the perfect example of such a cat behavior. His owner comes to the bedroom with the intention of making the bed, but there lies His Highness, splattered out on the soft bed cover, where the sun shines juuust right. He was there first and he does not care that you have chores waiting for you on the other side of the mansion Dexter likes to call home.

Mr. Dexter even had to learn a few voice command to help keep his hoomans in line. So when the servant says “Come up, let’s go”, the cats lets out a very clear, audible “No!”.

Oh well, better hit the snooze again...

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