Green in Tooth and Claw: The Misanthropic Mission of Climate Alarm

8 months ago

In Conversation with Dr Niall McCrae about his seminal book, 'Green in Tooth and Claw'. Niall and Christopher from the Bruges Group's expose the Malthusian beliefs of climate extremists. This unique, timely and important book on the claimed climate crisis analyses the misanthropic designs of the globalist elite, who are using a contrived ecological emergency to create a totalitarian technocracy dubbed the 'Great Reset'.

The real aim of climate alarm is complete control of population and resources, in a rebranded form of eugenics. Pseudoscientific policies in pursuit of Net Zero are a tightening ratchet on the lives of ordinary people. It is vital to challenge the brainwashing in schools and media and to spread the word that the real danger to the future of humanity is not carbon dioxide but a cabal of tyrants who want to 'save the planet' for themselves.

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