Capcom Super Pocket: Unboxing & First Impressions

1 year ago

As a fully signed up member of the Evercade fan club, I have been desperate to get my hands on one of the new Hyper Mega Tech Super Pockets for a while now, and finally that time has come. In this debut video for this channel, I do my first gaming video unboxing as we take a look at the Capcom version of the handheld console.

We go through the built-in games as well as showing off the Evercade cartridge compatibility as we pop in Atari Collection 1, the first ever Evercade cartridge. I also show off some gameplay (albeit, very poor!!) of Capcom classics Mega Man and Street Fighter II, as well as Asteriods from the Atari cart.

#evercade #capcom #handheldgaming #superpocket #streetfighter2 #megaman

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