SPOT ON CHESS PUZZLES Nepo Nails It in Round 10 of Tata Steel!

1 year ago

Nepo Nailed it!

Nepomniachtchi nailed Liren Ding’s King to the wall in their Wednesday round 10 encounter of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament being held in the Netherlands. Sweet revenge after their World Chess Championship Title square off that went in Ding Liren’s favor. Very instructive game today, three puzzles given, and game coverage where in the tactics or puzzle questions are answered.


White: Ian Nepomniachtchi
Black: Liren Ding
Tata Steel Masters; Round 10
Wednesday 01.24.2024

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. d3 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. a4 Bd7 10. Ba2 h6 11. h3 Re8 12. Be3 Rb8 13. Nbd2 Bf8 14. g4 Be6 15. Bxe6 Rxe6 16. axb5 axb5 17. g5 hxg5 18. Nxg5 Re8 19. Kh2 d5 20. Rg1 d4 21. cxd4 exd4 22. Bf4 Bd6 23. Bg3 Bxg3+ 24. Rxg3 Qd6 25. Kg1 Ra8 26. Rxa8 Rxa8 27. Qb3 Qd7 28. Ndf3 Rb8 29. Qc2 Rb6 30. e5 Nh5 31. Rg4 Rb8 32. Qc5 Rd8 33. Ne4 Qe6 34. Rh4 Rd5 35. Qa3 g6 36. Nfg5 Resigns 1-0.

Generating material winning threats which hang in the air above Ding Liren’s head - like a chess sword of Damocles! This is always a risk when you play chess... you might lose. But winners get right back up again and push forward… and to get good you have to learn your lessons along the way.

Thanks for watching, see you later on down the timeline! ~ S.

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