Getting Ripped - Everspace 2 Episode 19 - Lunch Stream and Chill

1 year ago

Previously, on Lunch Stream and Chill...

We retrieved the final "thing" for Khala and brought it back to base for her. She assembled a device that allows us to travel long distances in the blink of an eye by "ripping" space.

Upon our return to homebase, Maddocks was eager to brief us on the mining operation he had planned. The viridium he wanted to mine is on comet. Upon hearing the details of this plan, Taureen expressed his concern that this could cause war between humans and Okkar, as this comet holds religious signficance. Adam convinced Maddocks to wait while he consulted Hawke.

Hawke was well aware of the brewing tensions. Talks between the Colonial Fleet and Okkar leaders had broken down. She asked Taureen and Adam to covertly speak to the Okkar Emissary as a Human/Okkar team. They agreed, and after fighting off some pro-war members of the Okkar, they were able to state their case to the Emissary.

The first time we traveled with Khala's device, we ended up back at her escape pod on Athor I. She explained that we would need to create rip anchors in multiple areas of the DMZ to be able to travel smoothly. We undertake this task in Getting Ripped, Episode 19 of our Everspace 2 playthrough.

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00:00 Welcome and Dad Jokes
03:07 The Emissary Departs (Cutscene)
04:10 The Sealed Ancient Structure
18:53 Shadow Creature
23:06 The Khait Rip and BRI Bioplant
45:38 The Ascension Location Challenge
57:51 High Risk Area 1
1:02:45 To the Sun, Boost to Fast Forward Time
1:05:03 Distress Call
1:07:07 High Risk Area 2
1:16:08 Prescott Starbase Rip and Inventory Management
1:23:48 Torn Station Rip and Location Challenge
1:32:00 The Drake Gate and Rip
1:35:00 Surprise Rift
1:48:15 Back Home, Khala's Explanation, Maddocks in Drake
1:49:42 Summary and Next Episode Plan
1:51:01 Goodbye

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