Portland the experiment gone wrong done by stupid democrats.

11 months ago

Portland the experiment gone wrong done by stupid democrats.
This attitude is anyway shit from the democrat Kevin loser going there without bodyguards. The people there are shit too. They have this paranoid shit hood attitude of no camera, they know they are doing something wrong and dont want to be filmed. Instead of grabbing everyone and throwing their ass in jail to wake them up, people give them support. And its only making things worse because these people are more and more unhappy and more in the cycle of use and abuse. Its not just about the drugs here. Drugs are always a pat excuse a simple rationalisation so that these people who supposedly "work with the bunks and the crackers" can keep syphoning public money on useless and pointless projects. The social workers is shit and potentially puts people in grave danger like you see here. In the bunks area leadership changes are very frequent.
The social workers as the reporter says in the video is INSANE. Besides being perfectly useless to solve anything he is subjecting himself to abuse. Man USA i mean Portland has completely gone to shit. This is not how you solve the problem, You solve the problem by putting all these people IN JAIL or someplace else but off the streets. Also bad drugs need to be cut down. Man, if these people were tripping like this in the streets in Eastern Europe they would get a very good beating from the people and police.
This whole aproach is shit from the city from police from the social workers from everyone. Second, you confiscate all their guns to these people, you start making arrests. But most importantly in USA people just dont give a shit about anything and thats a problem.

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