Ep. 12: Study: What's Worse—Carbs or Seed Oils? Understanding a High-PUFA Diet

1 year ago

We’re trying something a bit different today. Dr. Brian Kerley and I have found a victim, Matt Quinn. Matt’s a smart guy but he’s not as immersed in these topics as we are, and so he’s going to play our straight man, the every-day guy who can hopefully come to easily-digested conclusions about the papers we discuss.
In our inaugural episode we discuss “Brief Episode of STZ-Induced Hyperglycemia Produces Cardiac Abnormalities in Rats Fed a Diet Rich in N-6 PUFA”.
Ghosh, S., Qi, D., An, D., Pulinilkunnil, T., Abrahani, A., Kuo, K.-H., Wambolt, R. B., Allard, M., Innis, S. M., & Rodrigues, B. (2004). Brief Episode of STZ-Induced Hyperglycemia Produces Cardiac Abnormalities in Rats Fed a Diet Rich in N-6 Pufa. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 287(6), H2518-2527. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00480.2004
Guest info
Matt Quinn

TL;DR Here's what I am working on:
I run Rebel - a fund that buys distressed SAAS and turns it around - if you want to support share our apps here
I'm in the very early stages of building/buying a regenerative farm. Our food system is beyond broken. Our healthcare system doesn't heal people. If you're interested in the thoughts behind this read this
I've built companies, bought companies and burned companies - if you're looking for pro bono advice or mentoring - tweet/DM me here
In my day job I run a product consulting team at Tanzu Labs - if you have deep pockets and need a team to teach you how to build great software that users love - connect with me here
I have failed at so so so many things - read about them here
Dr. Brian Kerley

Looking to fix your diet by getting rid of seed oils?
Check out the Seedy app!

Tucker Goodrich
Substack: https://tuckergoodrich.substack.com/
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Blog (deprecated, but still a lot there!): http://yelling-stop.blogspot.com/
Show Notes
Ghosh, S., Qi, D., An, D., Pulinilkunnil, T., Abrahani, A., Kuo, K.-H., Wambolt, R. B., Allard, M., Innis, S. M., & Rodrigues, B. (2004). Brief Episode of STZ-Induced Hyperglycemia Produces Cardiac Abnormalities in Rats Fed a Diet Rich in N-6 Pufa. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 287(6), H2518-2527. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00480.2004
I discussed this in a blog post. I won’t be doing this for most of the studies we discuss, but I figured it was handy to start with one where I had already done some work!
What's Worse—Carbs or Seed Oils? Understanding a High-PUFA Diet.
tl;dr: The one study I'm aware of that shows conclusively that excess glucose acts as an accelerant for excess omega-6 fat, but it not nearly so harmful without the omega-6, in vivo.
If you have any questions about sources for things discussed please ask in the comments.

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