Rep Steve Daines reveals sign to direct Migrants at airports to get on planes without government ID!!!

1 year ago

Without a border there is no country!

Explaining the reason for Nazism, Communism, the open borders, America being a house divided on many issues, and recent race wars in the U.S. news, William Guy Car states...

The Forces of Evil realize that in order to win undisputed control of the material assets of the world, and establish an Atheistic Materialistic Totalitarian Dictatorship, it is necessary to destroy all forms of constitutional government and organized religion. In order to do this the Force of Evil decided they must divide the peoples of the world against each other on various issues. Dating back into antiquity the Aryan and Semitic races were driven into enmity against each other to serve the secret ambitions of their atheistic-materialistic leaders. Had the people's of the Aryan and Semitic races remained steadfast to their belief in God, and faithful to His commandments, the Force of Evil could never have accomplished their evil purpose.

SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, Chapter Two, page 11, by William Guy Carr, 1958.

The Illuminati are relentlessly doing everything in their power to create tension, division and strife in the United States. Their goal is to divide and conquer. While the lying newsmedia focuses on petty crimes committed by our neighbors down the street, not a word is mentioned about the looting of $23.7 TRILLION taxpayer dollars by the criminal Federal Reserve bastards who own Wall Street. While your neighbor gets sentenced to 7-years prison for having 2 marijuana joints on his possession in his living room, the thieves in Washington who have bankrupted our nation have never even been indicted. It is injustice! The high treasonous crimes of the Clintons, the Bush Family, the Gores, Obama and many others. There needs to be a hundred trials, in a court of law, and then the convicted ought to hang in broad daylight for the public to watch.

Please don't get sidetracked from the real issues; such as, fighting the New World Order, spending time with your family instead of working 2 jobs or overtime. Don't do it! Relax and let God help you find a better way. If you hate your job, look for another job and then quit the first job once you find a second job you like (perhaps doing something that you enjoy doing). If you like music, get a job at a music shop working in sales, building or designing. Inlaying is a much sought after skill and pays well. Anyone with a steady hand who is patient can do great wood inlay work. Don't let them drive you insane by getting you to pay for a bunch of things you don't need, like a new car and expensive furniture. The predatory ruling elite WILL continue to send American jobs overseas until we cannot survive anymore in society. It is criminal treason!!! Bad times are here! They're going to get MUCH WORSE, very soon in America. Are you prepared?

It's a good idea to start moving away from the big cities and into small rural villages (at least 20-30 minutes drive from a major highway or road). There are still nice places to live to raise a family or retire, but not in any big city in America. Small is best with limited access to the outside world. Learn to grow your own garden and store seeds and storable foods.

Illegal aliens also provide cheap labor for small companies. Many of America's small businesses simply cannot stay afloat anymore. As the value of the dollar continues to decrease, so will the profits of American companies continue to erode away. I read last year that hundreds of American auto-part companies would be facing bankruptcy because the price of coiled steel DOUBLED from $300 to $600 per ton. Most of our steel comes from China. China is witnessing a massive expansion of it's own cities and the demand for steel is high. So we pay more! Do you see the consequences of allowing our steel to be manufactured by foreign countries? America is very dependent upon other countries today, we have lost much of our sovereignty. As the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate, cheap immigrant workers will alleviate the conditions temporarily for a few years to come (another Washington smokescreen). Ultimately, most companies will go under financially, the small mom and pop businesses will disappear, replaced by the monopolizing mega corporations. Our taxes will have to sky-rocket, medical coverage will be dismal, personal bankruptcies will be denied by the courts, many people will lose their homes, our wages will be increasingly confiscated, many people will be forced to take legal drugs (to increase Pharmaceutical company profits), prisons will be filled to overcapacity, the crime rate will soar, Social Security will fail...the nightmare is just beginning. This science fiction is real. Corporations rule the world, and we are soon to become slaves in a police state.

So while Bush is worried about "terrorists" 10,000 miles away, there are MILLIONS of illegals crossing the southern border of the U.S. every year. 'Com on, who are you kidding?

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