"I Want to go"(Beautiful Feet)

1 year ago

Meghan wrote this after her trip to Papua New Guinea in 2010. Though neither of us have left North America since, it still is our desire to spread God's word wherever we are placed. My prayer is that in the coming years we are able to hear his voice and that we would be used, whether that's in our Jerusalem or the ends of the earth!

I want to go, where you are unknown
To the hearts without a home
Lead my feet on that road
Put a fire passionately bright
To not hide this gift of love
Let Your way draw my sight

So many souls without their hope
So many hearts that feel alone

Jesus, I want to be the one You use
To shine Your light, Your love, the story of
Your mercy and grace for the human race
The gift of Yourself to free us from the blame
You broke us from our chains
Jesus, show me the way to the desperately unsaved
And let all the glory be to Your name.

Oh, Lord, I need Your help
To get rid of the desires of myself
And follow You
Proclaim Your truth
Open eyes to Your light
Put a beautiful spark in their hearts
Shining bright

So many souls without their hope
So many hearts that feel alone

Jesus, I want to be the one You use
To shine Your light, Your love, the story of
Your mercy and grace for the human race
The gift of Yourself to free us from the blame
You broke us from our chains
Jesus, show me the way to the desperately unsaved
And let all the glory be to Your name.

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.

Jesus, I want to be the one You use
To shine Your light, Your love, the story of
Your mercy and grace for the human race
The gift of Yourself to free us from the blame
You broke us from our chains
Jesus, show me the way to the desperately unsaved
And let all the glory be to Your name.

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