Why Masks Suck | Retrospective

1 year ago

Do masks really work? This video will discuss why masks don't make sense, the science of why masks don't work, and answers the question of can masks do more harm than good.

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Bangladesh mask study: https://tinyurl.com/ard9dxzz

Danish mask study: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.7326/M20-6817

Tags: why masks dont make sense, why masks dont work, do masks really work, why masks became political in the us, why masks are useless, why the mask mandate again, why the mask mandate should end, can masks do more harm than good, the science of why masks don't work, are masks going away soon, masks are theatre, mask study, face mask study, can we stop wearing masks, danish mask study, mask clinical trial, do masks slow the spread, masks dont work change my mind

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