What Does Manipulation Begin With? | Psychology. Discovering the Truth

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What does manipulation begin with? The answer to this question can be found by watching this new episode of the project "Psychology. Discovering the Truth." Manipulation is a common phenomenon nowadays. Whether consciously or not, each of us becomes a participant in various manipulations.

In this episode, the focus will be on the root of any manipulation — the dominant image!

What is a dominant image, and how does it affect our lives? Plus much more in the new episode "What Does Manipulation Begin With? | Psychology. Discovering the Truth":

0:00:00 About manipulation
01:44 Which images dominate our minds? Their impact on our lives and health. Example with the pandemic
10:34 "I will never behave like my father!" The influence of parent-child relationships on a person's life
24:24 What attitude towards women has been formed in society?
31:15 How have people turned into commodities?
33:33 Why do we remain silent? The dominant image of the "punishing executioner" in the consciousness of every person
34:54 Why do people not want to see a real threat?
41:22 What have people been convinced of for the last 6,000 years? How to get back to common sense?

While there are still significant gaps in psychology that do not contribute to the effective resolution of people's requests.

So, friends, let's explore relevant issues together and together discover the Truth! Send your questions and suggestions to the project's email at psychology@allatra.tv and write in the comments under the video.

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